
From Armagetron

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Write a report on your games, exciting play, team-tactics... and also include any feedback on how to improve the tournament!

Feedback for the Ninth Ladle

As usual I played like a brushless broom-handle. Madmax played like a champion, often having to face 2 or three opponents at the end of the round... would like to see a recording of a couple of duels between him and psyko. First round was won by tm 100 to 98... sp won the second easily, and the last went for 100 to 04 i think... Thanks to all players who played for tronic monkeys.
A couple of suggestions -
1 although it was disappointing losing, i like the idea of playing again on the same night... can't the losers play, and continue with the same schedule... and there could be a parallel final -- best of the losers?
2 could we get the results sorted out faster...? with teamscores for each round? just to update the wiki if necessary for players out of the loop...?
3 are we ok with the long rounds? because defenders are becoming so good, it can go on for a while... perhaps we should adopt reducing zones such as with team sumo? but only for the non-final rounds...?
  • How would shrinking zones help anyone but the defender? You'd need zones that conquer themselves for that to work, but that would make it impossible for one player to attack the other if it's 1v1. —Wrtlprnft 15:27, 4 March 2007 (CST)
  • yes... perhaps the winzone is necessary for nonfinal rounds... in order for the timing to remain within the realms of feasibility --16:05, 4 March 2007 (CST)
  • MaZuffeR pointed out that we could also get rid of shrink. Although a while ago I wouln't agree with that, it seems a good possibility now --madmax 17:14, 4 March 2007 (CST)
  • Personally I prefer the long fights. Having a win zone is the same as granting an automatic win to the attacking team and encourages camping. However an expanding death-zone has been working great for a long time on CT's servers, The players still have to fight it out to the biter end with the player with the best skills being the winner, probably should still have a large LAST_DEATH setting though. --Manta
  • Problem: A growing deathzone tends to interrupt interesting fights, at least I had that experience a couple of times. It also tends to lead to pointless camping in different edges of the map to see who can survive the longest. A winzone just doesn't get used or if it does people get angry at the one who enters it for no real reason…—Wrtlprnft 01:52, 5 March 2007 (CST)
  • Crazy idea: Zones who move to the enemy when it's 1v1, could make for some interesting fights. More interesting than a closed def and someone either waiting for a gap or pushing it millimeter by millimeter. --Lackadaisical 06:06, 5 March 2007 (CST)
I wish to point out that during the semi final match between TuI and SS, after about 1 or 2 rounds practically the whole of SP's team joined and constantly asked quetions, bitched, and generally distracted everyone trying to play. Now, I wasnt playing, but I was sat in spec not saying anything. Everyone got very pissed off, and despte almost everyone asking SP to leave, they just sat there in Spec filling up the server and making comments from time to time. Now something similar happened to me in either ladle 7 or 8, when I (as def) was spammed with PM's from various SP members trying to distract me. Now what I'm getting to, is there a way of silencing say, all spectators with one command or automatically kicking people with a certain something in their name (such as a clan tag). Anyway rant over, hopefully youll be able to make something of this. Grats Winners. ~ Rico
I should point out that I just came in to say that winner gets to play SP and watch who's going to win and try to gain an advantage by seeing SS's stategy. But noo, only people to be disadvantaged was TuI starting to argue with me. For all the other SPs, sorry..Should've been able to see me in the server telling them to be quiet or talk over PM system. Not very smart to kick the leader who can actually control his team instead of losing the leadership lol. XTREEEEEMEEEE (lol) grats to SS, well deserved win..we had I think 2 very good matches, very good matches against TM too but I wish finals could've lived up more to the hype so to speak..or a different result :P lol BUt yeh, best team won, I'm lookin forward to the next ladle!
If Wild West isn't used as one of the servers in the next Ladle, then this whole concept isn't fair and then makes it meaningless for us to play. Have we ever played in an American server in any of the past 9 Ladles? No. This isn't fair to us and we're not enjoying this at all. Especially us on the West Coast.
Minor detail, but I can remember at least 1 game where I played on an American server, I think it was AW-B vs WPN in the third ladle.
the main problem of the chatting stuff was that tui immediately (as usually) started to get upset some sps joining the server, without even saying much (and kickin some of them --> psyko). although i agree that some sps were talking too much. my idea concerning that problem: maybe a spectator chat or sth like that could be introduced? ppl joining the server could ask in spec chat then what the standings are eg.
to the ladle itself: great matches, especially against tm. with those two awesome defenders (psyko & madmax) its really hard to end a round. this results in long hard rounds & high leveled matches. still i am against a win or deathzone: as the level is high (i like that), you'll need to play at 130% & the tourney gets thrilling.
concerning shrink: i dont think we need to get rid of it. it isnt very high (at least at cafe?) anyway?
congrats to team ss & well played to the rest of the participants, lets make the next ladle a even better one! :) (with hopefully sp winning it :) )
  • If you don't think shrink isn't very high, removing it won't be a problem for you ;). I think defending is too easy as it is now. There isn't many settings that can be changed to make the game more balanced without affecting other aspects of the game too much, but shrink is definitely one of them. --MaZuffeR 05:09, 5 March 2007 (CST)
  • I agree that it has become a very defensive game..I remember early on when you could go on streaks of just owning a defender lol :P Defense has gotten a lot better but there's only so much an offense can do you know. Maybe increase the zone size to be able to cover it barely by the full wall length. Then if you slip up just a little bit then you won't cover the whole zone. However now that I think about it, that would not be good for any defense other than "THE SQUARE" lol..because imagine skip's defense if the zone was bigger...he would only be able to get 75% around just cuz he does so many angles in it. Just an idea to throw out there
Again, my team (TM) lost in the first round. Have I ever been in a second round? Don't think so. But for the first time it was fun to play. We lost because the others (SP) were better -- a little better. But we didn't loose because we paniced or fu**ed it up. That I like. Madmax showed great fights as defender in match 2 and 3. But thanks to everyone in TM.
First of all grats to Team SS, nice matches and huge def :). Ah and TuI, our matches were very close, but anyways you won. The only problem i'm worrying about is, why we had a winzone in the first match, but neither in the 2nd nor in the 3rd (yes i know, Z-Man disabled it after the first, but some ppl voted for, some against and some just didnt read it). I was also wondering myself, why the Winzone always spawned by the blue team's def (my team was gold :P) and not in the middle of the Fortress map. GM & GZ, TheFreakZ

Previous Winners

The Ninth Tronic Ladle was won by Team somethingsomething on Sunday 4th March

The Eighth Tronic Ladle was won by TuI ~ Tronners Under the Influence on Sunday 4th February

The Seventh Tronic Ladle was won by Speeders on Sunday 7th January

The Sixth Tronic Ladle was won by Team somethingsomething

The Fifth Tronic Ladle was won by Tronic Monkeys in a closely fought final on 5th November 2006

The Fourth Tronic Ladle was won by proN00bz on 1st October 2006.

The First 4 Team Fortress Tournament (4TFT) was won by Crazy Tronners (CT) on Sunday, September 17th, 2006

The Third Tronic Ladle was won by Anarchic Wanderers on 3rd September 2006.

The First Tron World Cup took place in July and August 2006 and was won by the United Kingdom. Full scores of the matches are available on the Official TWC Site

The Second Tronic Ladle was won by Anarchic Wanderers on 29th August 2006.

The First Tronic Ladle was a fortress tournament with seven teams and was won by Shadow League on 1st July 2006.

The Tronic Spoon was a fortress tournament of 87 players arranged into 8 and was won by Team somethingsomething in March 2006. |}

Previous Feedback

Ladle Info | About | Challenge Board | Tools | Operations | Results | Statistics | Voting | Bowl
The One hundred and fifty-ninth TRONIC Ladle will be played on Sunday, June 2nd, 2024!
  • Discussion for Ladle 159 is taking place [ here].
  • Server administrators please update your config files.
  • Teams please sign up on the Challenge Board.
  • Then get some practice in before the big day! :)

Recordings of previous Ladles can be found here. They are usually made with the stable build at that time, using the default settings. If a recoding doesn't work, search the forums for the thread relating to that Ladle and read it for help.

Results Archive

Ladle Results 001-049
Ladle Results 050-099
Ladle Results 100-149

Ladle Results
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157      

Express Results

Ladle No. Team who won Players
159 Redemption ampz, gazelle, koala, wind, dgm, wolf, kronk, ppotter
158 Redemption ampz, gazelle, koala, wind, andrei, magi
157 ..relax lava, raph, Nelg, Coco, olive, Rudy
156 Redemption ampz, wolf, wind, dgm, koala, kronk, gazelle
155 Redemption ampz, wolf, wind, dgm, koala, kronk, gazelle
154 Redemption ampz, wolf, wind, dgm, koala, nanu, nate
153 ..relax Deso, raph, Andrei, Coco, Nelg, jZ,
152 ..relax Deso, raph, Andrei, Coco, Nelg, jZ, Hall, Jam
151 Parademption/% ampz, gazelle, wind, nanu, force, hall
150 Placeholder koala, ampz, apple, jericho, magi, nate, doov, sanity
149 Redemption/% ampz, wolf, dgm, gazelle, wind, sanity, magi
148 Cutting Chimps deso, Andrei, raph, olive, Coco, Nelg, vov(Ninja Potato)
147 Redemption/% ampz, wolf, dgm, kronk, gazelle, wind, fini
146 Paradigm Nanu, Jam, Force, Over, Hallu, jZ, Johnny
145 Redemption/% ampz, wolf, fini, nate, wind, gazelle
144 Redemption/% ampz, fini, nate, kronkleberry, ppotter, nanu, force
143 Redemption/% ampz, dgm, fini, wind, nate, kronkleberry, gazelle
142 Andrei's Angels deso, olive, Andrei, Magi, Stephen, raph, Coco
141 CloneForce99 ampz, wolf, fini, nate, kronkleberry, gazelle
140 ' deso, raph, ampz, wolf, nelg, kb, andrei
139 The Bad Batch ampz, wind, gazelle, fini, apple, nate, orly
138 Chimps Don't Cry deso, stephen, coco, magi, ampz, wolf, gazelle, nelg
137 Dump Truck Drivers wolf, ampz, dgm, fini, wind, ppotter
136 fuck putin olive, Deso, Stephen, xyron, magi, Coco
135 johnny gimp squad wolf, ampz, apple, wind, nate, Johnny
134 MYM jericho, dgm, ampz, wolf, wind, fini
133 MYM jericho, dgm, ampz, wolf, wind, fini
132 MYM jericho, appleseed, wolf, ampz, mr, wind, dgm, fini
131 MYM jericho, ampz, dgm, mr, wolf, fini, apple
130 Paradigm Over, Johnny, tx, Nanu, Hall, Jam, Ninja Potato
129 mYm jericho, ampz, apple, dgm, fini, ninja potato, wolf
128 MYM jericho, wolf, ampz, dgm, deso, olive, apple
127 we are going to lose ladle mr, apple, ampz, jericho, olive, wolf, omm
126 The Magicians DGM, Cap1, Fini, jericho, Wolf, KB, Apple
125 Twi×ted arrows raph, Olive, Andrei, Vov, Orion, Deso, Ampz
124 Dream Team raph, vov, Andrei, Durka, Ampz, Orly
123 gangsters Al Capone, DGM, smurf, wolf, ronkleberry, Jericho, Noodles
122 Twi×ted arrows raph, Deso, olive, Andrei, dewdrop, Ninja Potato, ampz
121 Twi×ted arrows raph, Deso, olive, Andrei, dewdrop, Durka, Ninja Potato
120 Korean Meta ahsoka, ampz, jericho, Nate, Ninja Potato, ppotter, mr
119 Twixted Arrows raph, Titanoboa, olive, Ninja Potato, Andrei, dewdrop, Deso
118 Twi×ted arrows raph, Titanoboa, Olive, Ninja Potato, Kronkleberry, Andrei, dewdrop, Deso
117 Twi×ted arrows raph, Titanoboa, Olive, Ninja Potato, Kronkleberry, Andrei, dewdrop, Deso
116 Twi×ted arrows raph, Titanoboa, Olive, Ninja Potato, Kronkleberry, Andrei, dewdrop
115 Twi×ted arrows raph, Titanoboa, Olive, Ninja Potato, Kronkleberry, Andrei, dewdrop
114 Twi×ted arrows raph, Titanoboa, Olive, Ninja Potato, Kronkleberry, Magi, Andrei
113 Numbers, 2.eckz, 3.liz, 4.gazelle, 5.appleseed, 6.algid, 7.Ampz
112 12345, 2.titan, 3.liz, 4.gaz,, 6.algid
111 Variations FoFo, jericho, Roter, Gazelle, 75
110 Rogue Tronners Poke, Force, Over, Nanu, DGM, Red, Olive, Shoebat, Flippmam, vov, Nate
109 x x
108 x x
107 Dire Wolves koala, mr, koala, Hoax, nara, KGS GCoban 3, JamezFlamez, Nate, Nanu, goy
106 WTF Nate, Andrei, vov, potter, Bytes, Over, DGM, Nanu
105 m&m koala, mister, appleseed, vein, algid, krikio, eber, Hoax, Jofish, ssumday
104 WTF Nate, Andrei, vov, DGM, Poke, karas, Overrated maybe, mr
103 Dirty Ducks Nate, Andrei, ampz, vov, puma, karas
102 Open Team Andrei, Nate, appleseed, Dawg, mr, vein, Fini, ssumday
101 Rogue Tronners Overrated, vov, Shoebat, Poke'Master, Red, Force, DGM, Nanu, Nate, Soul
100 m&m mister, appleseed, vein, koala, algid, eber, quantic, krikio, Hoax, Durka, ogo
99 m&m mister, appleseed, vein, koala, algid, eber, quantic, hoax, krikio, Dewdrop
98 m&m mister, appleseed, vein, koala, algid, eber, quantic, Delta, Oparachukwu, Wolf
97 Rouge Tronners Magi, Red, Shoebat, Poke'Master, Overrated, Force, DGM, Fipp, Nanu, vov, olive, Nate, Metal
96 m&m mister, appleseed, vein, koala, algid, Nagi, sine.wav, CxDy
95 m&m mister, appleseed, vein, titan, vov, koala, 3B, wolf
94 Rogue Tronners Magi, Red, Shoebat, Poke'Master, Overrated, Force, DGM, Fipp, Nanu, vov, olive, 3b, Nate
93 Rogue Tronners Magi, Red, Shoebat, Poke'Master, Overrated, Force, DGM, Fipp, Nanu, vov, olive
92 Rogue Tronners Red, Overrated, Shoebat, DGM, Nanu, vov, olive
91 RogueTronners Magi, Red, Poke'Master, Overrated, Force, DGM, Titanoboa, Nanu, vov, Olive
90 Redemption Soul, Gazelle, Andrei, ampz, blondie, dreadlord, potter
89 Redemption Soul, Gazelle, ampz, blondie, dreadlord, potter, wolf
88 Crazy Tronners Nub, Pike, Safariskater, Woned, Acid, MB53, Gonzap, Lightning, Jericho, Cookie
87 _~Rogue Tronners~_ Magi, Red, Poke'Master, Overrated, Force, DGM, Titanoboa, Fipp, Nanu, vov
86 _~Rogue Tronners~_ Magi, Red, Shoebat, Poke'Master, Force, DGM, Titanoboa, Fipp, Nanu, vov, Rudy
85 _~Rogue Tronners~_ Overrated, Magi, Shoebat, Red, Force, DGM, Fipp, Nanu, Rudy, Vov
84 eggs and ham ogo, wolf, orion, box, the greek, xyron, newbie
83 _~Rogue Tronners~_ Overrated, Magi, Poke'Master, Matoso, Red, Force, DGM, Titanoboa, Nanu, Rudy, Vov
82 a black cat mister, appleseed, blondiey, algid, insa, delic, Hoax
81 Sickest Kents of Newcastle Wap, Gonzap, Insa, Mister, Vein, Beer, Ogopogo, Red
80 Crazy Tronners Alpha J-Dawgg, Woned, Gonzap, Bier, Wap, Nub, Soska, Plee
79 Kill St blondie, vogue, 3B, delic, elmo, gazelle, mr, ogopogo, quantic, sinewav
78 Redemption/% Dreadlord, Vov, Durka, Illusion, Kult, larifari, Mister, Olive, Orion, Pathetique, Soul, Wolf
77 Kill St blondie, vogue, appleseed, 3B, delic, elmo, gazelle, quantic, sinewav
76 Redemption Soul, Dreadlord, Gazelle, Kult, Kronkleberry, vov, Wolf
75 Team UnK Wildcat, House, Fofolinho, Mlapa, Piter, fingerbob, Mrs, Hoax, Aiphaton
74 Redemption Soul, Dreadlord, Deso, Gazelle, Illusion, Kult, Kronkleberry, Roter, Vov, Wolf, Orion
73 Redemption Soul, dreadlord, Gazelle, Illusion, Kult, Roter, Vov, Wolf
72 Crazy Tronners Alpha J-Dawgg, Cronix, Emmy, Woned, Wap, Gonzap, Acid, Beer, Safari
71 Crazy Tronners Alpha J-Dawgg, pike, Woned, Gonzap, Wap, Beer, orly?, Acid, Vinny, Cookie, Over, Sunny, Fate
70 Rogue Tronners DGM, Poke' Master, Titanoboa, Monkey.D.Luffy, Animuson, Red, Overrated, Matoso, Nuby, Fipp
69 Redemption/% Dreadlord, Soul, Brok3n, Gazelle, Roter, Subfocus, Vov, Wolf
68 uNk.Team DrHouse, Vogue, Gazelle, Mister, Potter, Slash, Wildcat
67 RoadRunnerZ Zero, Vinny, Nub, Chop, Siege, Magi, Misny, Space
66 Redemption/% Soul, Vov, Appleseed, Brok3n, Dreadlord, Eckz, Koala, Subfocus
65 Redemption/% Soul, Vov, Appleseed, Dreadlord, Eckz, Koala, Roter, Subfocus, Brok3n
64 Rogue Tronners Poke' Master, Overrated, Shoebat, Tobe, Titanoboa, Monkey D. Luffy, Animuson, Lackadaisical, Red, Force, DGM
63 Rogue Tronners Poke' Master, Overrated, Tobe, Monkey D. Luffy, Animuson, Lackadaisical, Red, Force, DGM, Titanoboa
62 \\MeetYourMaker eckz, Vogue, appleseed, devicat, fippmam, gazelle, kite, mister, nuby, pyrrhic, rugkei, taz, vein, weed
61 Revolver dreadlord, free kill, Concord, Durka, freako, Hoax, Olive, Xyron, 1200
60 Rogue Tronners Poke' Master, Overrated, Shoebat, Tobe, Animuson, Lackadaisical, Red, DGM, Titanoboa
59 Speeders.NA insanity, Eckz, Mkay-1, Mister, Syre, teen, AI-Team, Oblivion
58 Speeders ogopogo, nubilous, fofo, syre, eckz, bbb, akizo, magic, insa, roger, mister, aiph, teen
57 Team Baylife insa, wap, vov, eckz, FoFo, slash, ppotter
56 Revolver Freako, Free Kill, Bellum, Concord, Dreadlord, Hoax, Olive, Xyron
55 Revolver Concord, Dreadlord, Bellum, Freako, Free Kill, Hoax, Olive, Xyron
54 \\MeetYourMaker eckz, liz, akira, arez, chah, devicat, dread, envy, kairo, nuby, rugkei, sine, spin, tish, weed
53 Crazy Tronners Alpha Woned, matchbox53, cronix, wap, gazelle, beer, gonzap, animal, safari, puuquie
52 Speeders insa, Mkay, Roger, Nubi, Psy, Teen, FoFo
51 \\MeetYourMaker eckz, akira, chah, devicat, dreadlord, envy, liz, kairo, pine, sine, spin, toy, weed
50 ~*SP*~ shows hoax&xyron naked teens FoFo, insa, Flex, Aiphaton, hoax, teen, xyron
49 \\MeetYourMaker eckz, akira, chah, devicat, dimebag, envy, kairo, liz, pond, sine, spin, toy, weed
48 uNk.Team Pr3, MaZuffeR, Slash, FoFo, Dreadlord, DrHouse, noob13, jip
47 Team.uNk tls, Wildcat, fingerbib, Potter, Luzifer, 0ma, NoobSaibot, bmg
46 Speeders FoFo, þsy, Titanoboa, slov, viper, algid, nubi, flex
45 Twi¦×¦ted ¦×¦ats RudyCan'tFail, Hoax, Desolate, Durka, Speed, FroZen, Karma, Raph, Corn
44 Twi¦×¦ted ¦×¦ats RudyCan'tFail, Hoax, Desolate, Durka, Speed, FroZen, Punk, Karma, Raph
43 Rogue Tronners Poke' Master, Olive, Shoebat, Titanoboa, Monkey.D.Luffy, Matoso, Lackadaisical, Slick, Zinger
42 Crazy Tronners Alpha Woned, K-yo, Xyron, Apparition, Dreadlord, Emmy, Wap, Beer, Gonzap, Puuquie, Safariskater
41 you in danger, girl godzilla, G5, eckz, teen, spin, cool name, oh, okay
40 Crazy Tronners Alpha Gonzap, Woned, Beer, Xyron, Emmy, Puuquie, Pike, Wap, Dread
39 Crazy Tronners Alpha Gonzap, Woned, B3eR, Xyron, Emmy, Pike, Puuquie, Voodoo
38 Rogue Tronners Titanoboa, Shoebat, Tobe, Poke' Master, Hiro, Monkey.D.Luffy, Matoso, Bubble, Olive, Concord, Noodz, animuson, Lackadaisical
37 Crazy Tronners Woned/Gonzap, emmy, pike, wap, dreadlord, xyron, puuquie, emphasis, beer
36 SPD Orion, Flex, Psyko, Viper, Insanity, FoFo, Roger_That, Judders, Nubilous
35 Team binary free kill, newbie, madmax, Lackadaisical, 1200, Luzifer
34 Jalapeños on sticks! olive, freako, mazuffer, free kill, lackadaisical, newbie
33 Vowel Appreciation Team oooooolive / freeeeee kill, titaaaaaanoboa, newbiiiiiie, mazuuuuuuffer, xyyyyyyron
32 Crazy Tronners Alpha Woned / Gonzap, B3er, Puuquie, K-Yo, Xyron, Emmy
31 Speeders 1 Flex, FoFo, Insanity, PsYkO, Viper, Delta
30 Speeders Flex, PsYkO, FoFo, Viper, Delta, Insanity, Vogue
29 Speeders 1 Flex, PsYkO, FoFo, Viper, Insanity, Delta
28 Twi¦×¦ted ¦×¦ats Hoax, Durka, $ubzero, Corn, Goodygumdrops, Liza, PlayerNuby, RoterBaron, Sagelord
27 Arrow Clan hoop, freako, olive, hamar, psy, a, viper, xyron, dubstep, slashy, fofo, boo, arks, sixzero
26 ~*SpeederS*~ Flex, psyko, oblivion, demon, sasha, akira, delta, magic
25 Crazy Tronners owned, emphasis, safa, Sebol, tadd, K-Yo, kyle, beer, emmy, weed, Ady-Lucifer
24 Arrow-Clan freako, hoop, arks, newbie, viper, Xyron, Judders, Boo, Olive, a, Hamar, Schwuli, SixZero, Gaspard, Psy, ToTm
23 Twi¦×¦ted ¦×¦ats ¹ CuRbSidE, Durka, Goodygumdrops, Hoax, Liza, SageLord, $ubzero
22 Twi¦×¦ted ¦×¦ats CuRbSidE, Durka, Goodygumdrops, Hoax, SageLord, $ubzero, Corn, Dimbiman, DreadLord, JJBean, PlayerNuby, stax, WildCat, Terminator
21 Arrow Clan hoop, freako, Majom(xyron), olive, Totm, Newbie, Hamar, a, Arks
20 Crazy Tronners Woned, Sebol, Safariskater, Puuquie, Emmy, Emphasis, Speed, Gonzap, Tadd, Voodoo, Ed, Sol, PTA
19 Kill or Die Akira, Flex, Lizmatic, Luzifer, Mazuffer, Pavelo, Vipers, free kill, Your_mom
18 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society Flex, MaZuffeR, Luzifer, madmax, Lackadaisical, Pavelo, Your_mom, dlh(free kill), akira_arma
17 Twisted Rats Corn, CuRbSidE, Durka, Goodygumdrops, Illusion, JJBean, man2d, SageLord, Weed, whatup, xfroggy, Valium
16 Crazy Tronners Woned, Emmy, Eddie, Sebol, K-Yo, Emphasis, Safariskater, Punk, Ady-Lucifer
15 -¦x¦- infamous, subzero, epsy, hoax, sticky, flex
14 Twisted Killer Rats Lackadaisical, Curbside, Dookatee, Durka, Goodygumdrops, Hoop, Knus(freako), Luzifer, Madmax, Pavelo, Sagelord
13 -¦x¦- Aeon, Cid, Earplugs, Epsy, Flex, Fofo, Hoax, Infamous, Legit, Sticky, Subzero, ZZ 109
12 -¦x¦- Rico, Flex, Legit, FoFo, $ubz, Hoax, Lazer
11 Fogies with Wheelchairs Lackadaisical, madmax, MaZuffeR, eggcozy, newbie, pavelo, PsYkO, wHaTuP
10 Tronners Under the Influence Crack, ~ X ~, ketamine(Goodygumdrops), >SmAcK<
9 Team somethingsomething newbÍe, Pez, MaZuffeR, pavelo, Lackadaisical, nemostultae(free kill)
8 Tronners Under the Influence Crack, Shrooms, Lacrymosa(Luzifer), X, ketamine(Goodygumdrops), GHß(JJBean), SmAcK, f, purple kush, os, djt
7 ~*SpeederS*~ PsYkO, Oblivion, freak, viper, omega, demon, cyclo, sasha, k3nNy
6 Team somethingsomething MaZuffeR, pavelo, Pez, eggcozy, newbie, Infamous, nemostultae(free kill)
5 Tronic Monkeys one, rain, legit, joda, zop, redice, wrtlprnft, omega, k3nny, sasha
4 proN00bz newbÎe, Slash, Luzifer, ~*LoD*~SlaYer, ct_SeBoL158, LoD_Ady-Lucifer
3 Anarchic Wanderers B Vanhayes, Lack, MaZuffeR, Sticky, 2020, wrtlprnft, ghableska, Lackadaisical
2 Anarchic Wanderers Vanhayes, Hay-lin, 2020, rain, Meriton
1 Shadow League newbie (Road66), Sky, Ossi, Man2d, Meriton, Badzilla, Mayday, Sasha, Choco

Recent Results

Ladle 157

  Round 1
first to 150
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
first to 150
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
first to 150
(19:00 UTC)
Round 4
first to 150
(19:30 UTC)
Round 5
first to 150
(20:00 UTC)
best of 3
(20:30 UTC)
  deli's DC  AlleyCats Nanu's NJ  ...relax 78 deli's EU  Redemption 150 deli's DC  BlackMirror 136 deli's DC  Paradigm 148
 BlackMirror  Redemption 150  AlleyCats 24  Paradigm 150  ...relax 150
  deli's EU  Paradigm 126(?) deli's DC  AlleyCats 58 Nanu's NJ  BlackMirror 100 deli's EU  ...relax 150 Nanu's NJ  Redemption 150 deli's EU  ..relax 2
 Redemption 150  Paradigm 150  ...relax 150  AlleyCats  BlackMirror 74 Nanu's NJ  Redemption 0
 ...relax  BlackMirror  Paradigm  Redemption  AlleyCats
 ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  

Ladle 156

  Round 1
first to 150
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
first to 150
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
first to 150
(19:00 UTC)
Round 4
first to 150
(19:30 UTC)
Round 5
first to 150
(20:00 UTC)
best of 3
(20:30 UTC)
  deli's DC  Paradigm deli's DC  Paradigm 138 deli's DC  Paradigm 122 deli's DC  AlleyCats 118 deli's DC  Paradigm 150
 relax 150  Redemption 150  BlackMirror 150  BlackMirror 150  AlleyCats 108
  deli's EU  Redemption 150 deli's EU  BlackMirror 138 deli's EU  AlleyCats 74 deli's EU  relax 32 deli's EU  Redemption 150 deli's DC  Redemption 2
 AlleyCats 38  relax 150  relax 150  Redemption 150  BlackMirror 100 deli's EU  Relax 1
 BlackMirror  AlleyCats  Redemption  Paradigm  relax
 ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~

Ladle 155

  Round 1
first to 150
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
first to 150
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
first to 150
(19:00 UTC)
Round 4
first to 150
(19:30 UTC)
Round 5
first to 150
(20:00 UTC)
best of 3
(20:30 UTC)
  Deso's NY  Paradigm 32 deli's DC  ...relax 150 deli's DC  BlackMirror 140 Deso's NY  ...relax 150 deli's DC  Alley Cats
 Redemption 150  Alley Cats 52  Paradigm 150  BlackMirror 114  Redemption
  deli's EU  BlackMirror 150 deli's EU  BlackMirror 142 Deso's NY  Redemption 150 deli's EU  Paradigm 150 deli's EU  Paradigm 150 deli's EU  Redemption 2
 Alley Cats 54  Redemption 150  ...relax 124  Alley Cats 90  ...relax 142 Deso's NY  Paradigm 1
 ...relax  Paradigm  Alley Cats  Redemption  BlackMirror
 ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~

Ladle 154

  Round 1
best of 2
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
best of 2
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
best of 2
(19:00 UTC)
best of 3
(19:30 UTC)
  Deso's NY  Alley Cats 0 Deli's DC  Redemption 2 Deso's NY  ...relax x
 ...relax 2  Alley Cats  Redemption x
  Deso's NY  ...relax 1
  {{{RD4-server2}}}  Redemption 2
  Deli's EU  Redemption 2 Deso's NY  ...relax 2 Deli's DC  Alley Cats
 Open Team 0  Open Team 0  Open Team

Ladle 153

  Round 1
best of 2
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
best of 2
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
best of 2
(19:00 UTC)
best of 3
(19:30 UTC)
  Deso's NY  ...relax 2 Deli's DC  Paradigm 0 Deso's NY  ...relax N/A
 Alley Cats 0  ...relax 2  Redemption/% N/A
  Deso's NY  ...relax 2
  Deli's EU  Redemption/% 1
  Deli's EU  Paradigm 0 Deso's NY  Alley Cats 0 Deli's DC  Alley Cats 1
 Redemption/% 2  Redemption/% 2  Paradigm 1

Ladle 152

  Round 1
best of 2
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
best of 2
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
best of 2
(19:00 UTC)
best of 3
(19:30 UTC)
  Deso's NY  ...relax 2 Deli's EU  Redemption/% 2 Deli's DC  Alley Cats 0
 Alley Cats 0  ...relax 0  Redemption/% 2
  Deli's EU  Redemption 1
  Deso's NY  ...relax 2
  Deli's DC  Redemption/% 2 Deso's NY  Alley Cats 2 Deso's NY  ...relax 2
 .. 0  .. 0  .. 0

Ladle 151

  Round 1
best of 2
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
best of 2
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
best of 2
(19:00 UTC)
best of 3
(19:30 UTC)
  Deso's NY  salt 2 Deli's EU  Alley Cats Agility's NY  Alley Cats 1
 Not oops 0  Not oops  salt 2
  Deso's NY  Parademption/% 2
  Deli's EU  salt 0
  Agility's NY  Parademption/% 2 Deso's NY  Parademption/% 2 Deli's EU  Parademption/%
 Alley Cats 0  salt 0  Not oops

Ladle 150

  Round 1
first to 150
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
first to 150
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
first to 150
(19:00 UTC)
Round 4
first to 150
(19:30 UTC)
Round 5
first to 150
(20:00 UTC)
best of 3
(20:30 UTC)
  Deli's DC  `_NotWw_Alley Cats 140 Deso's NY  Paradigm 150 Deso's NY  Placeholder 148 Deso's NY  `_NotWw_Alley Cats 150 Deso's NY  Placeholder 150
 Paradigm 150  OpenTeen 100  Paradigm 150  OpenTeen 50  `_NotWw_Alley Cats 120
  Z-Man's GER  OpenTeen 36 Z-Man's GER  Commensal flora 150 Deli's DC  OpenTeen 36 Deli's DC  Commensal flora 146 Z-Man's GER  Paradigm 150 Z-Man's GER  Placeholder 2
 Placeholder 150  `_NotWw_Alley Cats 126  Commensal flora 150  Placeholder 150  Commensal flora 104 Deso's NY  Paradigm 1
 Commensal flora  Placeholder  `_NotWw_Alley Cats  Paradigm  OpenTeen
 ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~  ~*bye*~