Advanced Racing With race timer/Script

From Armagetron
Revision as of 06:34, 7 May 2012 by Smart (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> #!/usr/bin/php <?php /* Race Script Includes highscores per map, finish timers, map/cfg rotator, and more Requires a TargetZone as a finish line, winzones will not ...")
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/*  Race Script
		Includes highscores per map, finish timers, map/cfg rotator, and more
		Requires a TargetZone as a finish line, winzones will not work
		If you are not using Rx Hosting, make sure your directory has write permissions
		Made by dukevin (

$save_directory_location = "/home/duke/aa/servers/smart/var/logs/";   //The directory to save files. Must end with trailing slash
$countdown_secs_after_finish = 30;	//After someone finishes, how many seconds on the timer before the round ends?
$countdown_if_last_player = true; //If only 1 player remaining, start the timer?
$countdown_last_player_extra_time = 0; //If only 1 player remaining, give the last racer this many seconds of extra time to finish
$max_time_limit = -1; //start the timer after this many seconds, -1 to disable time limits
$points = array(10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1); //points awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...
$display_mode = 1; //If set to "1" display a center_message of the map name, 2 for console_message, 3 for both, 0 for no message
$display_prefix = "Current race: 0xffff00"; //When showing the map name, this is appended before it, if $display_mode is 0, this is disabled

//Below, inbetween quotes, if you are including maps, put something like: "/path/to/map.aamap.xml". If you are using cfgs, put "mycfg.cfg" 
$includes = array("8Ball.cfg","100Watts.cfg","Aflac.cfg","AnimusonConfusion.cfg","Aoi.cfg","Arsenal.cfg","AtlanticCharter.cfg","Cell.cfg","Cherrio.cfg","Compact.cfg","DevilsSandglass.cfg","Dizzy.cfg","FirePalace.cfg","AQuickExplosion.cfg","BenignRevolution.cfg","BloodyHell.cfg","Chihuahua.cfg","DeathOctagon.cfg","DeathTrap.cfg","Flex.cfg","FrizzleFraz.cfg","Glacier.cfg","Handgrip.cfg","Holiday.cfg","Hyperpod.cfg","Insane.cfg","ItsABug.cfg","JailBreak.cfg","Jelly.cfg","Killzone.cfg","KirbyDance.cfg","lol.cfg","Marathon.cfg","Mint.cfg","MissionImpossible.cfg","Moon.cfg","MovinOnUp.cfg","MrRoboto.cfg","Mutant.cfg","Nebraska.cfg","Nova.cfg","OctaGone2Death.cfg","PointOfNoReturn.cfg","PureRacingTorture.cfg","RatTunnels.cfg","Red.cfg","Resurrection.cfg","RoadLessTraveled.cfg","RoadOfDeath.cfg","Roundabout.cfg","Shield.cfg","SidebySide.cfg","SmallSpaces.cfg","Spiral.cfg","SpiralHam.cfg","SquareRoot.cfg","Stardome.cfg","Sun.cfg","Symmetry.cfg","TannersBigTronDaddy.cfg","TheMachine.cfg","TikiTime.cfg","TortureChamber.cfg","Trijecture.cfg","TurnAround.cfg","Unfair.cfg","Unfortunate.cfg","Verta.cfg","Wrapper.cfg","XploderPro.cfg","Zero.cfg","ZigZagZaney.cfg","Zipper.cfg","Zone3.cfg");
$rotate_mode = 2; //Set to 1 for simple random, 2 to play each map in order, 3 to randomly pick a map that hasn't been picked yet.
$num_map_plays = 1; //play each map how many times before switching to next map

$zombie_win = false;  //Does the winner get a zombie? (adjust zombie_zone_speed to fit your liking)


$reccomended_settings = array("target_initial_score 0", "sp_game_type 0", "game_type 0", "sp_finish_type 0", "finish_type 0", "sp_num_ais 0", "num_ais 0", "shot_seek_update_time 0.1", "ladderlog_write_all 1|1");  //these settings should be set for racing mode and is run once when the script is loaded
class Player
	var $name;
	var $pname;
	var $place;
	var $finish_time;
	var $best_time;
	var $num_plays;
	function __construct($name) 
		$this->name = $name;
		if(empty($this->num_plays)) $this->num_plays = 0;
	function read()
		global $file;
		$lines = file($file);
		foreach($lines as $line)
			$pieces = explode(" ", $line);  //time name num_plays        (if time is -1, never won it)
			if($pieces[1] == $this->name)
				$this->best_time = round($pieces[0],2);
				$this->num_plays = $pieces[2];
	function write()
		global $file, $current_inc;
		$found = false;
		$lines = file($file);
			c("0xff7777Warning: 0xffffffFile '$current_inc.txt' not found, file creation may have failed. Retrying...");
			$fp = fopen($file, 'w');
		foreach($lines as $i => $line)
			$pieces = explode(" ", $line);
			$pieces[1] = trim($pieces[1]);
			if($pieces[1] == $this->name)
				$lines[$i] = "$this->finish_time $this->name $this->num_plays \n";
				$found = true;
			$lines[] = "$this->finish_time $this->name $this->num_plays \n";
		sort(&$lines, SORT_NUMERIC);
		file_put_contents($file, $lines);
		//return pos
	function finished($time, $place)
		global $points, $players, $current_inc;
		$time = round($time,2);
		$this->finish_time = $time;
		$this->place = $place;
		$sufx = suffix($place);
		$score = $points[$place-1];
		if(empty($score)) $score = 0;
		if($place > 1)
			foreach($players as $p)
				if($p->place == 1)
					$first = $p->finish_time;
					$difference = " 0xffffff(" . round($this->finish_time - $p->finish_time,2) . " s behind 1st)";
			$difference = "";
		c("0xffff00 > 0xffff99$this->pname 0x55ccfffinished $place$sufx in 0xffff99$time 0x55ccffseconds.$difference 0x808080+{$score} pts");
		if($this->finish_time >= $this->best_time && !empty($this->best_time)) //took longer than alltime best
			pm($this->name, "    0xaaaaffYour all-time best on 0xddddff{$current_inc}0xaaaaff is 0xffffff{$this->best_time} 0xaaaaffs, you are 0xffffff".($this->finish_time - $this->best_time)." 0xaaaaffs 0xff7777slower0xaaaaff.");
		if($this->finish_time < $this->best_time || empty($this->best_time))
			if(!empty($this->best_time)) $oldrank = filetee($this->name, $this->name, 1, false, true) + 1;
			$newrank = filetee($this->name, $this->name, 1, false, true) + 1;
				pm($this->name, "    0xaaaaffThis is your first time finishing 0xddddff{$current_inc}0xaaaaff!");
			else pm($this->name, "  0x3388ff* 0x55ff88New personal record! You improved 0xffffff" . round($this->best_time - $this->finish_time,2) . "0x55ff88 s raising 0xffffff". ($oldrank - $newrank) ." 0x55ff88ranks!");
			if($newrank == 1) c("0xff3333*0xffff33*0x33ff33*0x3366ff*0xffd700Congratulate 0xffffff$this->pname 0xffd700for setting a new record on 0xffddaa$current_inc 0xffd700as the fastest time ever!0xff3333*0xffff33*0x33ff33*0x3366ff*");
			else if($newrank == 2) c("0xff3333*0xffff33*0x33ff33*0x3366ff*0xffffff$this->pname 0xc0c0c0just ranked 0xffffff2nd 0xc0c0c0as the fastest time for $current_inc!0xff3333*0xffff33*0x33ff33*0x3366ff*\n");
			else if($newrank == 3) c("0xff3333*0xffff33*0x33ff33*0x3366ff*0xffffff$this->name 0xcd7f32just ranked 0xffcc003rd 0xcd7f32as the fastest time for $current_inc!0xff3333*0xffff33*0x33ff33*0x3366ff*");
				pm($this->name, "    0xaaaaaaYou are now rank 0xffffff$newrank 0xaaaaaaon the list of fastest times for 0xcccccc{$current_inc}0xaaaaaa!");
		echo "add_score_player $this->name " . $score . "  \n";
$players = array();
$finished = 0;

	$line = rtrim(fgets(STDIN, 1024));
	if(preg_match("/^CYCLE_CREATED/", $line))
		$split = explode(" ",$line);
		$name = $split[1];
			c("0x000000 ! 0xffff00 $name is not allowed to use the characters 0xffffff« or \" 0xffff00 in their name.");
			$clean = str_replace("\"","_",$name);
			$wo = str_replace("\"","",$name);
			echo "rename $wo $clean \n";
			echo "rename $name $clean \n";
		$players[$i] = new Player($split[1]);
			for($x = 0; $x < sizeof($pretty); $x++)
				$crack = explode("*%$", $pretty[$x]);
				if($crack[0] == $players[$i]->name)
					$players[$i]->pname = trim($crack[1]);
			$players[$i]->pname = $players[$i]->name;
		if($i == 0)
			$xPos = $split[2];
			$yPos = $split[3];
		if(!empty($players[$i]->best_time)) $rank = filetee($players[$i]->name, $players[$i]->name, 1, false, true) + 1;
		$sufx = suffix($rank);
		if(!(strstr($players[$i]->name, '@')))
			$remind = "0x808080(Maybe because you're logged out?)";
			$remind = null;
		if(!empty($players[$i]->best_time)) pm($players[$i]->name, "0xaaddaaYour best time for $current_inc is 0xffffff{$players[$i]->best_time}0xaaddaa s ranking 0xffffff$rank{$sufx}0xaaddaa.");
		if(empty($players[$i]->best_time)) pm($players[$i]->name, "0xaaddaaYou have never won 0xcccccc$current_inc 0xaaddaabefore. $remind");
		pm($players[$i]->name, "0x808080Top 3 times for $current_inc:");
		filetee($players[$i]->name, $players[$i]->name, 3, true);
		if(!(strstr($players[$i]->name, '@')))
			pm($players[$i]->name, "0xffddaaYou should /login to protect your times!");
		$num_racers = $i;
	if(preg_match("/^PLAYER_ENTERED/", $line))
		//PLAYER_ENTERED rx"dukevin Rx«dukevin
		$split = explode(" ", $line);
		$pretty[] = $split[1] . "*%$" . $split[3] . " " . $split[4] . " " . $split[5];
	if(preg_match("/^PLAYER_RENAMED/", $line))
		$split = explode(" ", $line);
		$pretty[] = $split[2] . "*%$" . $split[5] . " " . $split[6] . " " . $split[7];
	if(preg_match("/^ROUND_COMMENCING/", $line))
		foreach($reccomended_settings as $s)
			echo "$s \n";
		echo "target_survive_time " . ($countdown_secs_after_finish+1) ."\n";
		$finished = 0;
		$num_racers = 0;
		$a_player_finished = false;
		$i = 0;
		if(empty($num_plays)) $num_plays = 0;
		if($num_plays >= $num_map_plays)
			$pick = pickmap($includes, $rotate_mode);
			$num_plays = 0;
		$current_inc = retrieve($pick);
		c("Reading $current_inc.txt...");
		if($display_mode == 1) echo "center_message $display_prefix$current_inc\n";
		if($display_mode == 2) c("$display_prefix$current_inc");
		if($display_mode == 3) 
			echo "center_message $display_prefix$current_inc\n";
		$file = "$save_directory_location" . "$current_inc" . ".txt";
			c("0xffff77Warning: 0xffffff$current_inc.txt not found, creating it...");
			fopen($file, 'w');
		if(mt_rand(0,7)==7) c("0x808080You can type /stats <name> <amount> to view high scores for maps.");
	if(preg_match("/^TARGETZONE_CONQUERED/", $line) || preg_match("/^ROUND_SCORE/",$line))
		if($finished == 0 || $a_player_finished == true)
			goto end;
		$split = explode(" ", $line);
		if(preg_match("/^TARGETZONE_CONQUERED/", $line))
			echo "spawn_zone win $split[3] $split[4] 1000000 10000 0 0 false 0 0 0\n";
			foreach($players as $p)
				filetee($p->name, $p->name, 3);
		echo "center_message Winner: $split[6]\n";
		echo "collapse_zone\n";
		$a_player_finished = true;
	if(preg_match("/^INVALID_COMMAND/", $line))
		$split = explode(" ", $line);
		//INVALID_COMMAND /cast rx"dukevin accesslevel argument 50
		if($split[1] == "/stats" || $split[1] == "/s")
			if($split[6] < 0) $split[6] = 0;
				pm($split[2], "0xff7777Invalid usage, try 0xffffff/stats <name> <amount>");
				goto end;
			filetee($split[5], $split[2], $split[6]);
		elseif($split[1] == "/version" || $split[1] == "/v" || $split[1] == "/ver" || $split[1] == "/vers")
			$obj = getObject($split[2]);
			pm($split[2], "0xff7777Invalid command, try 0xffffff/stats <name> <amount>");
	if(preg_match("/^TARGETZONE_PLAYER_ENTER/", $line))
		//TARGETZONE_PLAYER_ENTER 2 zonename 100 100 dukevin 90.8824 103.506 1 0 37.6366
		$split = explode(" ", $line);
		$name = $split[5];
		$time = $split[10];
		$obj = getObject($name);
			c("0xffff77Warning: 0xffffffNo object to operate on, perhaps you just loaded scripts?");
			echo "admin_kill_message 0\n";
			echo "kill $name\n";
			echo "admin_kill_message 1\n";
			goto end;
		if($obj->finish_time > 0) //already hit the finish line
			goto end;
		$obj->finished($time, $finished);
		if($zombie_win) zombieplz($split[5], $split[6], $split[7]);
		@clock("start", $countdown_secs_after_finish);
		if($num_racers <= 0)
			echo "target_survive_time " . 1 ."\n";
	if(preg_match("/^GAME_TIME/", $line))
		if($max_time_limit <= 0)
			goto end;
			$split = explode(" ", $line);
			if($split[1] == $max_time_limit)
				clock("start", $countdown_secs_after_finish, "kill");
		$split = explode(" ", $line);
		if(sizeof($players) <= 1) //if only 1 player, don't start the timer
			goto end;
		if($countdown_if_last_player == false) //don't start the timer if user doesn't want it
			goto end;
		if($num_racers <= 1)
			if(@clock("getState") == "active")
				echo "spawn_zone win $xPos $yPos 1000000 100000 0 0 false 0 0 0\n";
				goto end;
			if($num_racers != 0) clock("start", $countdown_secs_after_finish + $countdown_last_player_extra_time, "kill");

function clock($action, $duration, $options)
	static $state, $time, $options;
	if($action == "start")
		if($state == "active")
		$state = "active";
		$time = $duration;
		echo("center_message 0xff7777$time               \n");
	if($action == "stop" || $state == "stopped")
		$state = "stopped";
		$options = null;
	if($action == "tick")
		if($state == "stopped")
		echo("center_message 0xff7777$time               \n");
		if(empty($time) || $time < 0)
			if($options = "kill")
				global $players;
				echo "admin_kill_message 0\n";
				foreach($players as $p)
					echo "kill $p->name \n";
				echo "admin_kill_message 1\n";
			$state = "stopped";
	if($action == "getState")
		return $state;
function filetee($search, $requester, $amount = 3, $display_top = false, $onlyrank = false)
	global $file, $current_inc;
	$found = false;
	$lines = file($file);
	foreach($lines as $i => $line)
		$pieces = explode(" ", $line);
		$pieces[1] = trim($pieces[1]);
		if($pieces[1] == $search) 
			$found = true;
			if($onlyrank) return $i;
	if($display_top) $i = 0;
	if($amount %2 == 0) $amount += 1;
	$amount = floor($amount/2);
	if($i == 0 || $i == sizeof($lines)-1) //display an extra entry for 1st and last place
		$amount += 1;
	if($found == false && !$display_top && !$onlyrank) pm($requester, "0xff7777$search not found on the list of fastest times for $current_inc");
	for($x = $i-$amount; $x <= $i+$amount; $x++)
		$cut = explode(" ", $lines[$x]);
		$color = ($cut[1] == $search) ? '0xffff88' : '0xcccccc';
		if(!empty($cut[0])) pm($requester, $color . ($x+1) . ") $cut[0] - $cut[1]");
function suffix($number)
	if($number == 1) $sufx = "st";
	elseif($number == 2) $sufx = "nd";
	elseif($number == 3) $sufx = "rd";
	else $sufx = "th";
	return $sufx;
function retrieve($mapname)
	$type = explode(".", $mapname);
	if($type[sizeof($type)-1] == "xml") $head = "MAP_FILE";
	elseif($type[sizeof($type)-1] == "cfg") $head = "INCLUDE";
	$tail = $mapname;
	echo $head . " " . $tail . "\n";
	foreach($players as $p)
		$p->finish_time = -1;
	$cut = explode("/", $tail);
	$split = explode(".", $cut[sizeof($cut)-1]);
	foreach($split as $element)
		if($element == "aamap" || $element == "xml" || $element == "cfg")
		$current_inc .= $element;
	$cut = explode("-", $current_inc);
	$current_inc = $cut[0];
	$current_inc = trim($current_inc);
	return empty($current_inc) ? "null" : $current_inc;

function zombieplz($name, $x, $y)
	echo "spawn_zone zombieOwner $name $name $x $y 1 0 0 0 false\n";
function c($string){
	echo "console_message $string \n";
function pm($name, $string){
	echo "player_message {$name} \"{$string}\"\n";
function getObject($name)
	global $players;
	foreach($players as $p)
		if($p->name == $name)
		return $p;
	foreach($players as $p)
		if($p->pname == $name)
		return $p;
	return false;
function pickmap($includes, $rotate_mode)
	static $i, $played;
	if($rotate_mode == 1)
		return $includes[mt_rand(0, sizeof($includes)-1)];
	if($rotate_mode == 2)
		if($i > sizeof($includes)-1 || empty($i)) $i = 0;
		$x = $i;
		return $includes[$x];
	if($rotate_mode == 3)
		if($i > sizeof($includes)-1 || empty($i)) $i = 0;
		if($i == 0) shuffle($includes);
		$x = $i;
		return $includes[$x];
function version($me)
	pm($me->name, "0xffff00Script programming by 0xffffffdukevin");
	pm($me->name, "0xffff00Email at 0xffffffdukevinjduke@gmail.com0xffff00 for suggestions, comments");
	pm($me->name, "0xffff00Made for smart's server");