Debug Recording

From Armagetron
Revision as of 23:38, 5 November 2005 by Dlh (talk | contribs)

What is it?

Armagetron Advanced 0.2.8+ has a feature to record a play session. This session can later be used by developers to find and squash bugs.

Creating a Debug Recording


To record: armagetronad --record ~/place/to/save/your/file
To playback: armagetronad --playback ~/file/to/open [--fast-forward TIME]

Mac OS X

Use the helper application included with the game to start or playback an Armagetron Advanced recording. The application has a feature to compress a recording using bzip2 after Armagetron Advanced quits, so you can upload to the forums easily. It also will decompress a bzip2 or zip file for playback for playback.
