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Running Multiple Servers in Ubuntu Computer


Hello everyone. This is a tutorial that I thought I should put together for those who are using Ubuntu and are struggling to grasp how to host more than one server. Before I go any further, I would like to say that this section does look similar to Running Multiple Servers on a single Linux computer ... but there is a difference. There are a couple of things that are different from the other and there are few others that have been added so people will fin them useful.

I do hope people will find this tutorial useful as I found the other one very useful but a bit confusing at times.

In the tutorial, My username is vertrex so don't get confused. Change my username to YOUR username so everything will work the way it should.

Server Installation

Before you can think about setting up so that you can have multiple servers, firstly you need to have installed the Armagetron Advanced Dedicated Server in your computer. Now this is not specific as there are countless number of servers that the admins have either created or experiments or stable release.

The source codes for the servers can be found here: Armagetron Advanced: a Tron Clone in 3d

For the sake of this tutorial, our selection would be armagetron-sty+ct as that's a very popular selection to create servers with.

Downloading Source Files

The location where you should download your source code would be:

cd /home/vertrex

Now download the source files using the command: bzr branch

bzr branch lp:~armagetronad-ct/armagetronad/0.2.8-armagetronad-sty+ct

Configuring Source Files

Once the download completes, go into the source folder

cd /home/vertrex/0.2.8-armagetronad-sty+ct

Then run the bootstrap


if you get an error saying:

autom4te: cannot open autom4te.cache/requests: Permission denied
aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1
rm: remove write-protected regular file `aclocal.m4'? yes

then try:

sudo ./

Before taking the final steps, you need to create the folder to which your server will be installed in.

mkdir /home/vertrex/armagetronad

Now configure the server.

./configure --disable-glout --enable-authentication --prefix=/home/vertrex/armagetronad --exec_prefix=/home/vertrex/armagetronad --with-zthread

Installing Source Files

Once configuration is done, follow the next steps at installing the server

make install

If you get an error that you were unable to install in the folder, then take the next step:

sudo make install

Now, our servers have been installed in the directory: /home/vertrex/armagetronad/

Server Preparations

Now, this is where you will have to do some thinking. You can make 7 servers as the ports list from 4534 to 4540. So, basically you have seven servers to make from. You could choose to make, Capture The Flag (S), High Rubber (S), Racing, etc...

To setup the multiple servers, please follow from next steps.

Server Directories

Go into your armagetronad installaiton folder

cd /home/vertrex/armagetronad

Create the sub directories as indicated below:

mkdir servers      'This folder will be used to store your server configurations
mkdir logs         'This one will be used to save the server logs
mkdir scripts      'And this one will be used to call scripts to start the servers or include with the servers

The next few steps are the fun parts. We will be making our servers. To do so, go into servers directory that you have just created.

cd /home/vertrex/armagetronad/servers

There, start creating sub folders for each of your servers. Example:

One server that I would like to create would be CTF which is capture the flag.

mkdir ctf		'this is the server that will be hosted
mkdir ctf/var		'this folder where the server's ladderlog, score, players will be stored
mkdir ctf/settings	'this is the folder where you place your config files such as settings_custom.cfg, settings.cfg, etc...

then copy your config files into the settings folder and the files that belong in the var folder.

You can create many more servers...

mkdir [Server Name]
mkdir [Server Name]/var
mkdir [Server Name]/settings

Normal Scripts

The scripts are used mainly to launch a specific server that is called using the script. The servers include Capture The Flag (S), High Rubber (S), Dogfight, Sumo

All the server scripts are to be stored in the /home/vertrex/armagetronad/scripts directory.

Check this website to understand more about the scripts ... Running_Multiple_Servers_on_a_single_Linux_computer#The_scripts

Firstly go into the scripts folder to follow the steps below:

cd /home/vertrex/scripts

The Server Script

The first script will be called in this example:


That creates a .sh file called srv in the scripts directory. Write the following lines in the file:


mkdir $loc/logs/$1
screen -S $1 -X logtstamp on 					# print timestamps in log file
screen -S $1 -X logfile $loc/logs/$1/$1_%m-%d-%Y-%c.log 	# create a logfile in the logs subf
screen -S $1 -X log on 					# Turn on logging for the server window
while true; do 						# start a loop to allow server restart if it crashes

 #Runs the actual server. By default, the binary is called armagetronad-dedicated and is located in the prefix/bin directory. In this example, it is
# in /home/vertrex/armagetronad/bin directory.

       $tron --vardir $loc/servers/$1/var
       $tron --userconfigdir $loc/servers/$1/settings
# Shows the errors and indicates that the server has crashed, and then, waits 5 seconds before restarting the server, allowing you to quit with CTRL-C
      echo "Server has crashed. It will restart immediately..., press CTRL-C to cancel"
      sleep 5
            done # end the loop

To save the file, press CTRL-X and Y to confirm. You have now a file called srv in /home/vertrex/armagetronad/scripts

The Global Script

Create the second script. I called it start:


That creates a .sh file called start in the scripts directory. Write the following lines in the file:



# If you run the script with a parameter (server name), only that server will be start. Otherwise, all servers in
# the /home/vertrex/armagetrnad/servers directory will be started

if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
     screen -S $1 -X quit				# Kill the window if it exists already, avoiding to run the same server twice
     screen -dmS $1 $loc/scripts/ $1			 # start a GNU screen window with the specified server inside
      for f in $(ls $loc/scripts/servers/.)	 # start a loop running the following command for any existing folders in the
#/home/vertrex/armagetronad/servers folder
                      screen -S $f -X quit				# Kill the window if it exists already, avoiding to run the same server twice
                      screen -dmS $f $loc/scripts/ $f	# start a GNU screen window with the server inside for each server folder
               done							# ends the loop

Remember to save it in the same way as before.

Before you can run the script, you must make them executable:

chmod +x
chmod +x

Advanced Scripts

In this section, I will show you a few things that might interest you such as the rotation script, script that allows you to make your maps to change randomly. This is better than using the experimental armagetronad-0.3 version.

For the sake of this section I will be demonstrating to you how I manage my my racing server.

I got the script from a friend who made it for public so I used it to make my racing server to have it's maps randomly change.

Like before, all script are to be stored in the /home/vertrex/armagetronad/scripts folder.

So go into the scripts folder to follow the steps shown below:

cd /home/vertrex/scripts

The Rotation Script

Now, this script is a little confusing at first but after this it should make sense on how to use the script for your own servers.

All credit goes to Kyle for writing the script.

Create the rotation script. I called it start:

nano race_rotation.php

This creates a .php file with the name race_rotation in the scripts folder.

while (1)  {
   $line = rtrim(fgets(STDIN, 1024));
   if ( preg_match( "/^ROUND_COMMENCING/", $line ) ){
       $keywords = preg_split("/ /", $line);
  $map=rand (0 , count($maps )-1);
       echo "MAP_FILE ".$maps[$map]."\n";
       echo "WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT 0\n";
       echo "WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT 1\n";

I'm sure you are a little confused about what line 3 meant:


Basically, the "path/to/map1.xml" is simply the path where your map file is being stored in <author>/<category>/map1.xml

My Example:


As you can see in my example, I have listed my racing maps in an array. The paths to each map will be placed between " " , to separate each map we use "," and then we simply add ); at the end to complete the array of maps.

The Server Script

OK, The following script only for racing server but you can alter it for your own servers if you wish to.

Create the server script. I called it start:


This creates a .sh file with the name race_srv in the scripts folder.



mkdir $loc/logs/$1
screen -S $1 -X logtstamp on                                    # print timestamps in log file
screen -S $1 -X logfile $loc/logs/$1/$1_%m-%d-%Y-%c.log         # create a logfile in the logs subf
screen -S $1 -X log on                                  # Turn on logging for the server window
while true; do                                          # start a loop to allow server restart if it crashes

#Runs the actual server. By default, the binary is called armagetronad-dedicated and is located in the prefix/bin directory. In this example, it is
# in /home/vertrex/armagetronad/bin directory.

tail -f $ladderlog | $parser | $tron --userconfigdir $userconfigdir --vardir $var| tee -a $log
# Shows the errors and indicates that the server has crashed, and then, waits 5 seconds before restarting the server, allowing you to quit with CTRL-C
      echo "Server has crashed. It will restart immediately..., press CTRL-C to cancel"
      sleep 5
           done # end the loop

To use your rotation script for other servers, change the rotation script name in the script to your rotation script's name:

 parser=$loc"/scripts/[Script Name].php"

To know more commands other than userconfigdir and vardir , try this in the script which will give you a window with the other things you can have:

$tron --help

The Global Script

OK, The following script only to start the racing server but you can alter it for your own servers if you wish to.

Create the server script. I called it start:


This creates a .sh file with the name race_start in the scripts folder.

# If you run the script with a parameter (server name), only that server will be start. Otherwise, all servers in the /home/vertrex/armagetrnad-0.2.8/servers director$
# will be started
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
      screen -S $1 -X quit                             # Kill the window if it exists already, avoiding to run the same server twice
      screen -dmS $1 $loc/scripts/ $1                     # start a GNU screen window with the specified server inside
      for f in $(ls $loc/scripts/servers/.)     # start a loop running the following command for any existing folders in the
# /home/vertrex/armagetronad/servers folder
                      screen -S $f -X quit                             # Kill the window if it exists already, avoiding to run the same server twice
                      screen -dmS $f $loc/scripts/ $f    # start a GNU screen window with the server inside for each server folder
               done                                                    # ends the loop

Remember to save it in the same way as before.

Before you can run the script, you must make them executable:

chmod +x race_rotation.php
chmod +x
chmod +x

Start All Servers

To start all the servers check this link to fin out just how to do it as I didn't find it very useful for my purposes: Running_Multiple_Servers_on_a_single_Linux_computer#Starting_all_servers.

Installing Z-Thread

Firstly go into your user folder:

cd /home/vertrex

Downloading ZThread Compressed File


Extracting File

tar -xzf ZThread-2.3.2.tar.gz

Entering into the extracted folder

cd ZThread-2.3.2

Configuring the source files

./configure CXXFLAGS="-fpermissive" --prefix=/usr/

Perform the installation of the source files

make install

if the make install didn't work, then try:

sudo make install