
From Armagetron
   ______/             _  _________
  / ____/\    _  _    |_| \___ ___/ _  _     ____/   _  _
 / /   /\ \  | |/ \   | |    | |   | |/ \   / __/\  | |/ \
/ /   /  \ \ |  __ \  | |    | |   |  ___\ / / /\ \ |  __ \
\ \  /   / / | /  \ | | |    | |   | /     \ \/_/ / | /  \ |
 \ \/___/ /  |_|  |_| |_|    | |   |_|      \/___/  |_|  |_|
  \/_____/                   |_|            /

If anyone actually comes to this page, I should probably put something here.

Ok, some stuff about me.


  • is not OniTron. Get it straight!
  • is spelled with Ø and ø, not O and o.
  • has awesome smileys, including the whole range of happy to sad.
    Not just semi-happy and semi-sad.
    : D : ) : | : ( : C
in AA...
  • plays (duh).
  • uses the name Øni0xffff66Trøn.
  • uses the color code 25, 25, 15.
  • can often be found at "Cheers!"
  • double-binds. This he willingly admits.
  • is definitely not the only double-binder around here.
  • likes watching people freak out when he commands ARENA_AXES 1.
on the wiki...