Difference between revisions of "Trolympics"

From Armagetron
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[http://vps-zman.armagetronad.org/~manuel/armarecordings/ Z-man's recordings]
[http://vps-zman.armagetronad.org/~manuel/armarecordings/ Z-man's recordings]
===Old Stuff===
Current tournament info is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cNrEl3q8jblI7nKEI55bFI6L6JRQD_BOVMgW5avUpS8/edit ( short link: http://mini-tst.tk/ )
Information may be transported here for archival purposes after the tourney.
Previous tourney at http://wiki.armagetronad.org/index.php?title=Mini-TST9.2.20

Revision as of 09:57, 20 July 2020

Fort / Sumo Trolympics

Trolympics | Teams | Discussion Thread | Brackets
The Trolympics will be played on Sunday, July 26, 2020!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

General Information


  • This is the Fort / Sumo Trolympics, featuring small teams facing off in a variety of fort / sumo game modes.
  • Times and brackets are listed below.
  • You will also find official settings and guidelines below.


  • Each team consists of 4 players.
    • The 4 players are only needed for the 4-team fortress phase of the tournament, while the team can manage with 3 players for the sumo rounds.
    • Once you have played for a team, you are not allowed to play for another team in the same tournament.
    • Team captains are allowed to find a substitute if their teammate doesn’t show.
  • It is important that each round begins on time; matches should begin no longer than 5 minutes past the scheduled time, assuming the previous round matchups have all finished. Once 5 minutes have passed, the match will begin, with the non-showing team able to join late, if possible, or receiving 0 points as the result of that round.
    • If the delay is due to a previous round taking longer than scheduled, the 5 minutes start only once all of the relevant previous rounds have been finished.
  • People who cause a disturbance in the tournament servers will be silenced, suspended, kicked, and/or banned at the moderators’ discretion.
  • Be friendly and have fun. Be friendly to any new players that arrive to watch from the steam release!


Free Agents

The following players are looking for a team. Please reach out to them if you wish to sign-up together. Otherwise, players on this list will be randomized and placed onto teams before the brackets are made.

  • Example:Player@forums
  • Add your Global ID here


To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list. Please put N/A if you do not wish to provide your teammate's Global ID.

{{TSTeam|Your Team Name|Team Captain's Name|Global ID|Teammate|Teammate's Global ID|Wiki Page Name}}
  1. Cheese | Wallace(Desolate@forums), Gromit(Olive@forums)


Please add your Global ID to the below list if you want to volunteer as a moderator for the tournament, ensuring that the rules are followed, matches begin smoothly, and results are captured timely and accurately.

  • Example: Player@forums
  • Add your Global ID here



The TST map.

Server Settings

RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/mtst-5.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/mtst-5.cfg)
RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/mtst-5-auth.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/mtst-5-auth.cfg)
SERVER_NAME 0xaa44ffm-TST 5 0xff4444(0x6699eePlayer 1's Server0xff4444)

Server List

{{TSTServer|Your server name|ip|port|Location|[http://serverwebsite.com http://serverwebsite.com]}

North America

  • TST 33 (dT+ Dumb Tronners US) () New York


  • TST 33 (dT+ Dumb Tronners EU) () London

Challenge Board


To edit the brackets change Template:TSTBracket33


First Round Starting Time

GMT: 17:00 (6:00PM)
CEST: 19:00 (8:00PM)
EDT: 13:00 (2:00PM)

Additional Information


Please contact Deso (Desolate@forums) in advance to become an administrator.

  • Desolate@forums
  • raph123@forums
  • Titanoboa@forums


Z-man's recordings