Difference between revisions of "Trolympics"

From Armagetron
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To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list. Please put N/A if you do not wish to provide your teammate's Global ID.
To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list. Please put N/A if you do not wish to provide your teammate's Global ID.
  <nowiki>{{TSTeam|Your Team Name|Team Captain's Name|Global ID|Teammate|Teammate's Global ID|Wiki Page Name}}</nowiki>
  <nowiki>{{TrolTeam|Your Team Name|Team Captain's Name|Global ID|Teammate 1|Teammate 2|Teammate 3}}</nowiki>
== Moderators ==
== Moderators ==

Revision as of 10:03, 20 July 2020

Fort / Sumo Trolympics

Trolympics | Teams | Discussion Thread | Brackets
The Trolympics will be played on Sunday, July 26, 2020!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

General Information


  • This is the Fort / Sumo Trolympics, featuring small teams facing off in a variety of fort / sumo game modes.
  • Times and brackets are listed below.
  • You will also find official settings and guidelines below.


  • Each team consists of 4 players.
    • The 4 players are only needed for the 4-team fortress phase of the tournament, while the team can manage with 3 players for the sumo rounds.
    • Once you have played for a team, you are not allowed to play for another team in the same tournament.
    • Team captains are allowed to find a substitute if their teammate doesn’t show.
  • It is important that each round begins on time; matches should begin no longer than 5 minutes past the scheduled time, assuming the previous round matchups have all finished. Once 5 minutes have passed, the match will begin, with the non-showing team able to join late, if possible, or receiving 0 points as the result of that round.
    • If the delay is due to a previous round taking longer than scheduled, the 5 minutes start only once all of the relevant previous rounds have been finished.
  • People who cause a disturbance in the tournament servers will be silenced, suspended, kicked, and/or banned at the moderators’ discretion.
  • Be friendly and have fun. Be friendly to any new players that arrive to watch from the steam release!


Free Agents

The following players are looking for a team. Please reach out to them if you wish to sign-up together. Otherwise, players on this list will be randomized and placed onto teams before the brackets are made.

  • Example:Player@forums
  • Add your Global ID here


To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list. Please put N/A if you do not wish to provide your teammate's Global ID.

{{TrolTeam|Your Team Name|Team Captain's Name|Global ID|Teammate 1|Teammate 2|Teammate 3}}


Please add your Global ID to the below list if you want to volunteer as a moderator for the tournament, ensuring that the rules are followed, matches begin smoothly, and results are captured timely and accurately.

  • Example: Player@forums
  • Add your Global ID here



The TST map.

Server Settings

RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/mtst-5.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/tst/mtst-5.cfg)
RINCLUDE Desolate/tst/mtst-5-auth.cfg(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Desolate/mtst-5-auth.cfg)
SERVER_NAME 0xaa44ffm-TST 5 0xff4444(0x6699eePlayer 1's Server0xff4444)

Server List

{{TSTServer|Your server name|ip|port|Location|[http://serverwebsite.com http://serverwebsite.com]}

North America

  • TST 33 (dT+ Dumb Tronners US) () New York


  • TST 33 (dT+ Dumb Tronners EU) () London

Challenge Board


To edit the brackets change Template:TSTBracket33


First Round Starting Time

GMT: 17:00 (6:00PM)
CEST: 19:00 (8:00PM)
EDT: 13:00 (2:00PM)

Additional Information


Please contact Deso (Desolate@forums) in advance to become an administrator.

  • Desolate@forums
  • raph123@forums
  • Titanoboa@forums


Z-man's recordings