Difference between revisions of "Ladle/Permanent Servers Europe"

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{{LadleServer|Crazy Tronner's LIV|liv.crazy-tronners.com|4541|Germany (EU)|[http://crazy-tronners.com/servertech CT Server Tech]}}
{{LadleServer|Z-Man's|simamo.de|4536|Frankfurt, Germany (EU), also hosting the Wiki, schedule for opening round only until we see how it holds up|[[User talk:Z-Man|Z-Man]]}}
# These servers are not to be removed except by the owners.
{{LadleServer|AoT UK||4534|UK|[http://insomniaclan.com/hosting/ Rx Hosting]}}
# If a server goes missing for an extended period of time
{{LadleServer|uNk's|unk.me|4538|Germany (EU)|[http://forums.unk.me noob13/Jip]}}
# make an effort to contact the owner. Leave a note below
{{LadleServer|Delinquent's||4534|Bristol, United Kingdom|[http://armaashes.tk/ Ashes]}}
# with the server's name and date it went missing. Servers
{{LadleServer|Theo's FR3|fr3.ladle.phx.be|4534|Vitry-sur-Seine, France, EU|[[User talk:Theo|Theo]]}}
# missing for more than two months should not be considered
# "permanent" and removed completely.
# Do not add servers here unless you can guarantee a commitment
# of no shorter than six months.
{{LadleServer|Crazy Tronner's LIV||4538|Germany (EU)|[http://crazy-tronners.com/servertech CT Server Tech]}}
{{LadleServer|Z-Man's FR|vps-zman-fr.armagetronad.org|4534|Strassbourg, France (EU)|[[User talk:Z-Man|Z-Man]]}}
{{LadleServer|Compguygene's GER|ger.theserverpharm.xyz|4534|Frankfurt, Germany, EU|[[User talk:Compguygene|Compguygene]]}}
# Name of missing server and attempted contact date:
# none...

Latest revision as of 22:28, 27 August 2021

  • Ladle 166 (Crazy Tronner's LIV) (CT Server Tech) Germany (EU)
  • Ladle 166 (Z-Man's FR) (Z-Man) vps-zman-fr.armagetronad.org:4534 Strassbourg, France (EU)
  • Ladle 166 (Compguygene's GER) (Compguygene) ger.theserverpharm.xyz:4534 Frankfurt, Germany, EU