
From Armagetron
Dalryo 2
Sumo Tournament
!! Sunday 5th January: 8pm GMT / 3pm EST !!

All rules and scores are at Andrei discretion!

Dalryo 2


  1. teen@forums
  2. Sanity@forums
  3. Gazelle@forums
  4. Nanu Nanu@forums
  5. Fini@forums
  6. sythe@lt
  7. Overrated@forums
  8. nelg@lt
  9. Renegade@forums
  10. F0RC3@forums
  11. reserved2@lt
  12. thxmp@forums
  13. tonymanz@forums
  14. Agility@forums
  15. waffle@lt


  1. abcd@forums
  2. ellis@lt
  3. TheNate@forums
  4. vov@forums
  5. Olive@forums
  6. ppotter@forums
  7. Xyron@forums
  8. M3l0n@forums


R1 (1v1)      R2 (12 rounds)    R3 (12 rounds)    R4 (12 rounds)    R5 (12 rounds)    Semifinals (12 rounds)
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu 2
vov 1313
tonymaNz 1305
reserved 1205
Andrei 1253
vov 1166
Pizza 0
Gazelle 1281
vov 1262
waffle 1195
tonymaNz 1159
Nanu 1122

Nanu 1120
Nanu 1160
Andrei 1042
Over 1026
Fini 1111
Nanu’s NJ2
reserved 1097
Over 904
Gazelle 1027
Gazelle 898
reserved 1055
Reserved 2
waffle 1048
Gazelle 877
Fini 948
waffle 887
waffle 886
Sythe 1
nelg 792
reserved 763
Force 840
Nanu 834
nelg 856

Fini 448
Nate 750
nelg 739
reserved 669
Sanity 678
Nanu’s NJ3
Olive 347
Force 405
Nate 412
vov 544
pizza 534
Gazelle 2

tonymaNz 0

Deso’s NY
Nanu’s NJ3
Nanu’s NJ2
Nanu’s NJ2

Deli DC
tonymaNz 1800
Nelg 1272
Sanity 1306
Fini 1494

Force 1
Over 1041
Fini 1062
ppotter 1133
Sanity 1080

Nelg 2
Force 898
Waffle 1089
Agility 1091
Nelg 1057

Nate 854
Andrei 880
pizza 1084
pizza 837

Agility NJ1
M3l0n 746
ellis 874
Olive 1002
Nate 792

Fini 2
ppotter 719
Olive 872
Sythe 540
Force 761

Over 1
Agility 682
pizza 502
M3l0n 375
ppotter 678

Sythe 556
Sanity 355

Agility 609

Agility NJ2

Cookie 0

Nate 2
Nanu’s NJ2
Nanu’s NJ2

ellis 1311
ppotter 1471

Deso NJ2
Andrei 1199
Sythe 1277

Thxmp 0
Sanity 1045
M3l0n 1032

Agility 2
pizza 985
Agility 842

Cookie 719
hope 530

thxmp 690
thxmp 497

ellis 1
hope 381
Cookie 411

M3l0n 2

vov’s A

vov 2

ppotter 0

vov’s B

Olive 2

Andrei 0


Blue from R5 and Purple from Semis progress to finals.

Finals 1 (1500 points)
Finals 2 (1500 points)
Finals 3 (1500 points)
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu’s NJ1
Nanu’s NJ1
tonymaNz 1514
Gazelle 1570
Nanu 1514
Gazelle 1384
vov 1063
rookie 1479
Andrei 1215
tonymaNz 1057
plant 1444
Fini 1173
Nanu 928
tonymaNz 1342
reserved 1081
reserved 848
Gazelle 1168
Nanu 1025
Andrei 789
Fini 1043
vov 1015
Fini 661
vov 1022
Over 1007
Over 522
Andrei 894

Finals 4 (1500 points)

Finals 5 (1500 points)

Nanu’s NJ1

Nanu’s NJ1

vov 1566

tonymaNz 1528

tonymaNz 1490

Gazelle 1280

Gazelle 1426

vov 1270

Fini 1208

reserved 1133

Over 1019

Over 1092

Nanu 779

Andrei 1090

reserved 582

Nanu 1074

Andrei 542

Fini 853

Dalryo 1

Magi won

Dalryo 1 was a SBT, with double elimination bracket. In finals you had to win 2 matches of 1500 in order to win tournament.
In finals 68 rounds was played and finals lasted 1.5 hours +

  1. abcd@forums
  2. vein@forums
  3. Fini@forums
  4. teen@forums
  5. Magi@forums
  6. Olive@forums
  7. TattooOG@forums
  8. Ampz@forums
  9. Overrated@forums
  10. F0RC3@forums
  11. doov+@forums
  12. Desolate@forums
  13. Shock@forums
  14. DaGarBBaGeMAN@forums

DalryoFinalBracket.png DalryoFinalBracket.png