International Tron World Cup
All fortress players can participate in this tournament. Just post your name under the name of your country. Please write your name without clan tags.
This is organized in countries, if your country isn't here, edit this page and add it. It will be nice if you respect the alphabetic order. The country has to exist!!! Maybe if the team grows a lot it can make 2 teams, like east and west, it goes 4 usa :P, plz no invented names.
After all interested players register we will update this page with all the instructions of the tournament. Meanwhile here are some details:
The main plan is that it will be a fortress tournament, played in play-offs mode, when teams are ready, there will be a picture showing the brackets of the road to Tron World Cup. And if it is possible we will try to respect football world cup brackets :D
In case of some countries goes short, there will be a alliances, the way they will be is trying to join to another geo-near (example: spain+portugal->iberia, austria+switc->alps, nordics, ...) or just fusion with other short team (we will try to respect issues like belgium and netherland one :P).
A short team will be one with less than 5 players, this will be the minimum numbers of players to play a match.
- No more players allowed to register
- The specified country will play with the amount of players that have registered here.
- All cw in TWC-ITW server, it has good pings for both,america has 180 ping, not so bad.
- Suggestions will be considered on the next TWC in 4 months->>24 november
Further details can be found on the Official Tron World Cup Website
Groups and Brackets
I have a few suggestions to make the tourney a little fairer, 1. If one team has more players than the other team, the team with more should only use as many as the other team has.(min number 5)I thought that was standard practice, though I guess not. 2. switch between using a european and a north american server, so no one country has an unfair ping advantage. Maybe use US fortress for North america(good/fast connection), and stick with ITW server for the european server--Vanhayes
- Thanks for the suggestions. My inclination is not to change anything now the competition has started, but certainly these things will be taken into consideration for the next world cup. Having said that, would NAFTA be happy for Vanhayes' change 1 to be implemented for the rest of this world cup on the understanding that there would not be a rematch?--Dez 18:11, 24 July 2006 (CDT)
- Changing that player count rule, but not repeating the match that was messed up by it would strongly support the theory that the rule was pulled out of AdY-Lucifer's hat at match start for the single purpose of bashing down NAFTA. I see three acceptable ways to proceed: The best thing would be to get rid of the rule and repeat the NAFTA-Germany match, Friday would be a possible time slot. The two other possibilities would be to stick to the rule for the rest of the tournament, or to change the rule, but to remove AdY-Lucifer from the Spanish team to demonstrate the rule change isn't happening for his personal benefit (with eight players, his team would likely be put to a disadvantage by the original rule as well at some point).--Z-Man
- i said that nothing will be changed on this twc.rules werent changed after the first match of twc , what re u screaming about z? -- AdY-Lucifer
- Please sign your posts. -- nemostultae 20:38, 26 July 2006 (CDT)
- I'm not screaming, SCREAMING LOOKS LIKE THIS. And I'm refering to Dez's suggestion to indeed change the rules during this first tournament. Let me elaborate, sorry if this gets offensive, but there is no other way of explaining: The player count rule is stupid and unfair, and a blind monkey with brain damage could see it. You were asked explicitly about how different team sizes will be handled on the forum (where you're not banned, btw), but gave no answer. The rest of us only knew the rule when it was, apparently, too late to argue. Now, there are two possible explanations: 1. You're stupid and incompetent and 2. you're corrupt, using your position of power in this tournament to put unwanted teams/players at an disadvantage. Right now, "Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity" applies, and explanation 1 wins. Should you however change the rule now, this would strongly suggests the decision to let Germany play with seven players was just an ad-hoc decision to kick out NAFTA, and the rule was crafted afterwards. This would give theory 2 a head. --Z-Man
- What the hell, ady? We were told in the second match (USA vs Alliance 1) that we couldn't play with six because the teams wouldn't been even anymore. But now i see the Russia vs Spain match was played 6v1! This is really unacceptable. How can you say at one game that rule is 'play with the people that show up', then change to 'the teams have to be even' in the next game and then change back again in the third(+ignoring the rule that states a team has to have a minimum of 5 players). This only really supports Z-mans #2 theory since you were in the larger team of the third game. --Lackadaisical
- Is this true? Spain vs Russia 6 vs 1? Are there recordings or server logs that can be reviewed? --Z-Man
- What the hell, ady? We were told in the second match (USA vs Alliance 1) that we couldn't play with six because the teams wouldn't been even anymore. But now i see the Russia vs Spain match was played 6v1! This is really unacceptable. How can you say at one game that rule is 'play with the people that show up', then change to 'the teams have to be even' in the next game and then change back again in the third(+ignoring the rule that states a team has to have a minimum of 5 players). This only really supports Z-mans #2 theory since you were in the larger team of the third game. --Lackadaisical
- I'm not screaming, SCREAMING LOOKS LIKE THIS. And I'm refering to Dez's suggestion to indeed change the rules during this first tournament. Let me elaborate, sorry if this gets offensive, but there is no other way of explaining: The player count rule is stupid and unfair, and a blind monkey with brain damage could see it. You were asked explicitly about how different team sizes will be handled on the forum (where you're not banned, btw), but gave no answer. The rest of us only knew the rule when it was, apparently, too late to argue. Now, there are two possible explanations: 1. You're stupid and incompetent and 2. you're corrupt, using your position of power in this tournament to put unwanted teams/players at an disadvantage. Right now, "Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity" applies, and explanation 1 wins. Should you however change the rule now, this would strongly suggests the decision to let Germany play with seven players was just an ad-hoc decision to kick out NAFTA, and the rule was crafted afterwards. This would give theory 2 a head. --Z-Man
- Please sign your posts. -- nemostultae 20:38, 26 July 2006 (CDT)
- i said that nothing will be changed on this twc.rules werent changed after the first match of twc , what re u screaming about z? -- AdY-Lucifer
- Changing that player count rule, but not repeating the match that was messed up by it would strongly support the theory that the rule was pulled out of AdY-Lucifer's hat at match start for the single purpose of bashing down NAFTA. I see three acceptable ways to proceed: The best thing would be to get rid of the rule and repeat the NAFTA-Germany match, Friday would be a possible time slot. The two other possibilities would be to stick to the rule for the rest of the tournament, or to change the rule, but to remove AdY-Lucifer from the Spanish team to demonstrate the rule change isn't happening for his personal benefit (with eight players, his team would likely be put to a disadvantage by the original rule as well at some point).--Z-Man
Ok, it is true, their page shows it. Now, the question is, why wasn't it 5 vs 1? I see and believe that Sasha apparently didn't mind playing alone. But, in the Germany vs NAFTA match, we were told we were allowed to play with 7 people because NAFTA registered with 7; we showed up with eight, IIRC. Now, Russia registered with 5, so either I'm missing something here (perhaps you played with the implicit rule that you'd attack Sasha one at a time?) or Spain was playing with one player too many, according to the rule applied at the first match. I guess I'm not the only one who'd like an explanation. From DeZ, if possible, he seems to be the sensible one. All this doesn't make sense to me, unless I adopt one of the two theories as the most likely explanation. At the very least, the statements made here by AdY were *slightly* inaccurate and incomplete. --Z-Man
- The problem here is simply that the rules aren't nearly clear enough and don't cater for the circumstances we found ourselves in. On the two occasions I was in charge (USA v Alliance 1 and Spain v Russia) I took the approach that it was better to try and keep both teams happy than worry about exactly what the rules said.
- In the case of USA v Alliance 1, there were 5 players in each team during the first match. However, part-way through the second match, a 6th Alliance 1 player (a1|Goodkoen) arrived. I felt it unfair that he should join the team with the match underway and allowed the USA another team member (gengis) to balance the teams. Gengis was not from the US, but had not registered to play in another World Cup team. Both teams agreed to him playing.
- Following that decision, I offered Sasha the option to make up numbers in the same way, but (s)he turned this down, opting to play alone. Following the rules here would have meant defaulting Russia on the basis that they didn't have five players. Given that people had turned up wanting a match and Sasha was willing to play, I let the match go ahead. Sasha came up with some inventive and entertaining techniques to cope with the onslaught of Spanish cycles, but the inevitable happened and after two matches of this, Sasha decided that there was no point in continuing.
- I understand peoples' concerns about the fairness of the competition, but please bear with us: we're new to this! We will have clearer rules set out in plenty of time for the next Tron World Cup and I hope people will give us constructive feedback on them so that any problems can be ironed out before the start of the competition. --Dez 17:57, 27 July 2006 (CDT)
- Um fairness?? where was teh fairness in uk vs a1...or germany vs nafta?? in a way changing something to make it "fair" isn't very fair for the others who have already it? --BlAzE
- Would now be a good time to mention that Legit was banned from the server when we asked him to join? I'm willing to allow for being new to running a tournament if you're willing to learn from other tournaments, and there have been 2 recent tournaments that have learned these lessons already. I'm starting to lean towards the Kill NAFTA Conspiracy theory myself, you may have been fair Dez, but it was Ady-Lucifer watching over the NAFTA/Germany match, and if you ask me, the NAFTA team played waaaay better than the Germany team, even if we lost. Ideally, you'd want the team that plays the best to be the team that wins the match, and in a point-based system you already have problems determining that. Then throwing on additional advantages to one team skewers the result even further. If they played so well as to deserve to advance, the point spread shouldn't be as close as it was. --Lucifer 23:14, 27 July 2006 (CDT)
- Dez: Thanks, that clears some things up. I'd still say Spain vs Russia should have been 5 vs 1, but can file that under beginner's trouble. I think nobody has any objections against the USA vs A1 match, it only serves as a contrast to the less fair matches. Your post also sheds light on the admin structure. So far, I thought you were the technical admin and Ady the political decision maker. I assume Ady was in charge of UK vs A2? Because that one seemed to be 7 vs 5, and again Legit was present and I just assume he would have played for A2 if allowed to. I'd then have a request: could you, and not Ady, manage the rest of the matches? Looks like even when UK is playing, you'd make the better decisions, and it's no problem for me to live with stupid rules if the person in charge is willing to override them. --Z-Man
Another thing, today's (29th) match has a potential collision with the Ladle tournament if it goes as long as the UK-A2 one. The Ladle is supposed to start at 9 GMT. Germany will have three players potentially leaving for the Ladle, USA will have three players NOT potentially leaving. It could help if we make it an exceptional "best of three" match. I'll also post on the Ladle page to see if the schedule can be moved backwards. I'm not blaming anyone for this collision. --Z-Man
- with only four teams signed up for the ladle, we should only have to conduct the finals at 11.15pm, and semi's at 10.30pm gmt... if the team-captains organise their teams... if the players turn up... so shouldn't be a problem 2020
- Great, that should suffice. I withdraw the request to make G - US a best of three match. --Z-Man
I also noticed that you intend to run the World Cup sometime later in the year. So, what is the title of this World Cup? Is it the 2006 World Cup, or what? 2020
Can't connect with!
It seems as if the ITW server doesn't run for 2.8.1--AshitakA
- I just hacked a client to pretend to be a newer (network) version than it actually is, and had no trouble playing there.
- It looks like the responsible setting is
(not to confuse withCYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK
which the server admins refuse to set). My hacked client complains it received an unknown config of that name, but if I go in with a more recent version and check the value it is still 0 (the default). So actually the server has no reason to block newer clients. Z-man, any ideas? —Wrtlprnft 12:50, 29 July 2006 (CDT) - Addition: Could one of the server admins grep their logs for that setting? If it blocks out clients because of that it should say someting like "[0] Setting CYCLE_DIST_WALL_SHRINK (Group: Bumpy) deviates from its default value; clients older than will be blocked out.". —Wrtlprnft 12:57, 29 July 2006 (CDT)
The culprit is at the moment CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK, it's set to 1. Could the admin also set CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK_OVERRIDE 0? That would allow and earlier on. Wrtl: to avoid excessive message spamming, only one unknown setting is ever printed, and settings are transfered whether they deviate from the default or not (otherwise, it would never be possible to change the default). Z-Man
Alliance 1 (Austria, Canada, France and Netherlands)
- 1394-freak
- JJBean
- BaTTaL
- Voodoo
- k3nny
- Lackadaisical
- freako
- Goodkoen
Alliance 2 (Switzerland, Portugal, Poland, Mexico, Italy)
- Drashia
- cusco (PORTUGAL - going away on the 28th for 2 weeks)
- madmax
- WebGamer
- newbie
- sebol158
- the godfather (italy sicily player)
- Tidus (possibly dont will be there)
- ~Super Daddy~
Link: Team Germany
- Fr34k(y)
- Blader
- Z-Man
- ~*Mephisto*~
- $ubzero
- Slayer
- H.A.K.
- Sefgu
- Tronfreak
- Alien
- Narrow
- dyyXy!!
- AshitakA
North American Free Tron Alliance (NAFTA)
- Lucifer
- BlAzE
- anjori
- BaTTaL
- knojf
- Vanhayes
- Wrtlprnft
See Talk:International Tron World Cup for discussion
- Ossi
- Sasha
- badzilla
- doc
- man2d
- Ady-Lucifer (From Cantabria, aka Hell)
- ORiON(From Seville, Andalucía)
- ChiCho (From Motril, Andalucia)
- Xevi (From Barcelona, Catalunya
- AuRoN (From Jerez, Andalucia)
- ArcBeetle (From Cordoba, Andalucia)
- Kakashi ( From Jerez, Andalucia )
- Alf (From Jaén, Andalucía)
United Kingdom
- ed (From Wales)
- X3R (be AFRAID!)
- )(Alex)(
- Infamous
- Syllabear (From N.Ireland)
- Dez (From England)
- Sleepy
- Pyroto
- 2020 (currently in scotland)
- Pez
- Harlequin
- Xell
- Sp33D hould be ableto play every match go UK!
@ Alex and Infamous, show some dignity. Temp ban of 1 day... would have been a week except for the fact you might need to post something to support your team --Your mom 18:19, 27 July 2006 (CDT)
United States of America
- gArIsImO
- Wildcat(Probably cant make it because of work.)
- Goodygumdrops
- Chuck (I'll probably make it, since I have no life and stay at home all day :(, What time EST?)
- Dµrkå (99.99999999% chance I won't make it)
- Manta
- Pandemonium
- Legit
- eclipse
- Stewie! (most likely will not make a very high percentage of not making it.)
- Kyle (may not make it)
- Oblivion Muahahaha!
- Tits
- Skip
- Play
- genesis