Template:Time Table

From Armagetron
Revision as of 10:56, 28 April 2015 by Dlh (talk | contribs) (Remove literal “}” typo)
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This template shows a table of time conversions for the following time zones:

  • America/Los_Angeles
  • America/New_York
  • GMT
  • Europe/London (when appropriate)
  • Europe/Amsterdam

Anonymous Parameters

  • The 1st anonymous parameter must be a date, such as 2025-03-18.
  • The anonymous parameters 2-10 are times, such as 10:39. The 24-hour or 12-hour format can be used. The times use the time zone specified by the timezone template parameter.

Optional Named Parameters

  • timezone: Defaults to GMT. Specifies the time zone used by the listed anonymous parameter times.
  • label1, label2, ..., label9: Defaults to "First Round", "Second Round", ..., "Ninth Round". The label for the (n + 1) anonymous parameter used in the time table.


A time table for the times 17:00 and 18:00 on today's date. The times are specified using the default GMT time zone.

{{Time Table|2025-03-18|17:00|18:00}}

2025-03-18 America/Los_Angeles|T}} America/New_York|T}} Etc/GMT|T}} Europe/London|T}} Europe/Amsterdam|T}}
First Round America/Los_Angeles|g:i A}} America/New_York|g:i A}} Etc/GMT|G:i}} Europe/London|G:i}} Europe/Amsterdam|G:i}}
Second Round America/Los_Angeles|g:i A}} America/New_York|g:i A}} Etc/GMT|G:i}} Europe/London|G:i}} Europe/Amsterdam|G:i}}

The same date and times as the previous example, but with custom labels.

{{Time Table|2025-03-18|17:00|18:00|label1=Opening Round|label2=Closing Round}}

2025-03-18 America/Los_Angeles|T}} America/New_York|T}} Etc/GMT|T}} Europe/London|T}} Europe/Amsterdam|T}}
Opening Round America/Los_Angeles|g:i A}} America/New_York|g:i A}} Etc/GMT|G:i}} Europe/London|G:i}} Europe/Amsterdam|G:i}}
Closing Round America/Los_Angeles|g:i A}} America/New_York|g:i A}} Etc/GMT|G:i}} Europe/London|G:i}} Europe/Amsterdam|G:i}}

Using the America/New_York timezone for the specified times of 10:00 and 11:00.

{{Time Table|2025-03-18|10:00|11:00|timezone=America/New_York}}

2025-03-18 America/Los_Angeles|T}} America/New_York|T}} Etc/GMT|T}} Europe/London|T}} Europe/Amsterdam|T}}
First Round America/Los_Angeles|g:i A}} America/New_York|g:i A}} Etc/GMT|G:i}} Europe/London|G:i}} Europe/Amsterdam|G:i}}
Second Round America/Los_Angeles|g:i A}} America/New_York|g:i A}} Etc/GMT|G:i}} Europe/London|G:i}} Europe/Amsterdam|G:i}}