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War Sumo Tournament 30 - Sunday, June 30th, 2024
War Sumo Tournament 30 | Teams | Discussion Thread | Previous WSTs | Brackets
WST 30 is set for Sunday, June 30th, 2024!
  • Teams will be made up of 4 players and at the most 2 subs.
  • Brackets will be posted the Friday of the tournament.
  • If you want to provide a server, don't hesitate to add it under server list.
  • Previous War Sumo Tournament History can be seen here

Sunday, June 30th, 2024 6pmGMT

General Information


  • This is the War Sumo Tournament.
  • Times and brackets are listed below.
  • You will also find official settings and guidelines below.


  • Each team is allowed only 3 players (and 2 subs). This is a 3v3 tournament.
  • Servers will be chosen and positioned on the brackets.
  • Teams will be randomized then placed on the brackets.
  • Team editing will be locked after the brackets are up.
  • To participate, all teams are required to have a minimum of three members and a maximum of five. Any more than three will only count as substitution.
  • A team can switch around their substitutions whenever they feel like it. As long as there's a maximum of 3 team members on the grid at one time.
  • Each player is allowed to be signed up to only one team, but may switch teams on the day of the event, if their first team is full.
  • If you have played a match with a team, you are NOT allowed to join another team as you have already locked yourself with the previous team by playing with them.
  • On the day of the event, team captains are allowed to replace any of their members that do not show up.
  • If a team only has 2 players, the other teams captain will then decide if the other team can play or not.
  • Each team has 5 minutes after the posted time to be ready or they will be forced to forfeit. If the other team is in a match from a previous round in the tournament they will have 8 minutes after the match to get their team ready and the match started.
  • Be friendly and have fun.
  • In case a tiebreaker is needed after the round robin matchups, the tied teams will each play each other once more for 5 rounds only. If the teams are still tied after this, then point differential of these 5 round matches will be used. If the teams are still tied with point differential, the advancing teams will be randomly chosen from the remaining tied teams.


  • The new WST map
  • The tournament will be set up with a round robin opening, with top 2 teams from each group going into a final, 2 round bracket
  • First team to reach 1000 points wins a match.
  • Round robin matches are played best of 1 match.
  • Final bracket matches are played best 2 out of 3 matches.

Server Settings

RINCLUDE Desolate/wst/WST_settings_v2.cfg(
RINCLUDE Desolate/wst/WST25_auths.cfg(
SERVER_NAME 0x8db6cdWST 30 0x00688b(Host Name - Location)


Players without a team

Add your name here if you're looking to join a team. A person looking to create or find someone for their team will hopefully contact you. If enough people are listed when brackets are created, they will be placed into teams automatically.

*Name Global ID (@forums)
  • Jam Jam123@forums
  • stereo Player1312@forums
  • delinquent delinquent@forums
  • Nanu Nanu Nanu@forums


To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list.

#TEAMNAMEHERE | Captain(@forums) | Player 2 | Player 3 | Optional sub 1: | Optional sub 2:
  1. placeholder | Olive(@forums) | Player 2 | Player 3 | Optional sub 1: | Optional sub 2:
  2. American breakfast club | Magi(@forums) | b | c |
  3. Is this still happening? | woof(@forums) | dgm | koala |


Server List

* '''Server Name''' ([[User talk:ServerAdmin|ServerAdmin]]) <code>Address:Port</code> ''Location''

North America

  • WST 23 ( (Armanelgtron) New York, USA
  • WST 22 (Deso's NY) (Deso) New York, USA


  • WST 22 (Z-Man's Germany) (Z-Man) Frankfurt, Germany
  • WST 22 (Z-Man's Germany 2) (Z-Man) Munich, Germany
  • WST 22 (Deso's EU) (Deso) Frankfurt, Germany

Challenge Board

Round Robin

To edit the round robin matchups and table change Template:WarSumoRR30 and Template:WarSumoRRTable30

  Round 1
best of 2
(18:00 UTC)
Round 2
best of 2
(18:30 UTC)
Round 3
best of 2
(19:00 UTC)
best of 3
(19:30 UTC)
  Deli's DC  Four Horsemen Deso's NY  Master Baiters Deli's DC  Open Team
 No Name Yet  Four Horsemen  Four Horsemen
  Deli's DC  no name yet 2
  Deli's EU  Master Baiters 1
  Deli's EU  Open Team 730 Deli's EU  No Name Yet Deso's NY  No Name Yet
 Master Baiters 1500  Open Team  Master Baiters


Final Brackets

To edit the brackets change Template:WarSumoBrackets30
