Third Tronic Ladle

From Armagetron
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One day, players will be able to post up video reports of how games have gone... hell, one day, there will be professional journalists covering the final... But until then, make use of this space...

quarter finals 7.30pm GMT

Anarchic Wanderers (B-team) vs WPN

2-1 at Wild West Fortress

  • Anarchic Wanderers (B-team) were Vanhayes, Lack, MaZuffeR, Sticky, 2020, wrtlprnft, ghableska
  • WPN were Durka, blaig, Panda, featherfcuk, G5, ßëtµ

There's a recorded movie (AVI, mpeg4). (First 10 minutes on YouTube)

Shadow League vs Crazy Tronners

2-0 at CT Battle

  • Shadow League were…
  • Crazy Tronners were…

Anarchic Wanderers (A-team) vs Wraith Squadron

...-... at LoD Fortress Server

  • Anarchic Wanderers (A-team) were: eggcozy ~ }{Alex}{ ~ Hay-Lin gArIsImO ghableska madmax featherfcuk
  • Wraith Squadron were: ...

semi-finals 8.15pm GMT

Shadow League vs Anarchic Wanderers (A-team)

1-2 at Bugfarm - LoD Server

  • Shadow League were: Meriton, Sasha, Radian, Durka (filled in b/c not enough SLs)
  • Anarchic Wanderers (A-team) were: eggcozy ~ }{Alex}{ ~ Hay-Lin gArIsImO ghableska madmax featherfcuk 2020

finals 9pm GMT—Anarchic Wanderers (A-team) vs Anarchic Wanderers (B-team)

1-2 at AST Server |Fortress/Ladle|

  • Anarchic Wanderers (A-team) were: eggcozy ~ }{Alex}{ ~ Hay-Lin gArIsImO ghableska madmax
  • Anarchic Wanderers (B-team) were: Wrtlprnft 2020 MaZuffeR Lackadaisical Vanhayes Sticky

There's a recorded movie (AVI, mpeg4).