From Armagetron

War Sumo Tournament 21 - Sunday, August 16th, 2020

WST 21 was won by Open Team (syllabear, feel free to add potato, Agility, Punish) !

Thread and Discussion


To add your team onto the list, simply fill in this template and then post it at the end of the list.

#TEAMNAMEHERE | Captain(@forums) | Player 2 | Player 3 | Optional sub 1: | Optional sub 2:4
  1. Massive Excuses | My Cat(Dtrxmp@forums) | Jump in | My Lap | LAG
  2. Disney+ | Zazu (happityme@forums) | Olaf | Jasmine | Mushu
  3. Team Avatar | Toph Beifong (Olive@forums) | Katara | Sokka | Zuko | Suki
  4. Open Team | syllabear (syllabear@forums) | feel | free | to | add | potato | Agility | Punish |

Challenge Board


  Semi Finals (18:00 GMT) Finals (18:30 GMT)
  Deso's NY  Disney+ 0  
 Open Team 2  
  Deso's EU  Open Team 2
  Deso's NY  Team Avatar 0
Deso's EU  Team Avatar 2
   Massive Excuses 1