From Armagetron
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Hello! This, like all other pages, is being written by an actual player of the game. However, I am not the only player who writes content in the wiki, here are the others. + -Note: This is not a complete list, feel free to add yourself if you are not listed. Players without User pages were linked to their contributions, upon making a user page, they should edit the link here.
- 1200
- 2020
- Absol
- Akira
- appleseed
- AshitakA
- Arilou
- Alma
- Baphomet
- Compguygene
- Concord
- Corn
- Crumb
- CruZ
- Curbside
- Delta
- Desolate
- Destiny
- Dez
- DJRich
- dreadlord
- dukevin
- Durka
- eRaser
- Eagle Eye
- Emphasis
- epsy
- Freako
- Fake
- G5
- Ghableska
- Goodygumdrops
- HaVok
- HoAX
- Hoop
- InK
- Jericho
- JJBean
- Jonathan
- Kyle
- K-Yo
- Lackadaisical
- Legend
- Lucifer
- LucK
- Luke-Jr
- Luzifer
- madmax
- Materia
- MaZuffeR
- McNerd
- Monkey
- Mr.naked
- MuFo
- Nagi
- Neal
- Nemostultae
- newbie
- Oblivion
- one/arm\bandit
- Owned
- Pathetique
- Pavelo
- Philippeqc
- Pike
- Pink Tomatoes
- PlayerNuby
- Pruote
- PsYkO
- Rain
- Ratchet
- rekonq
- Ritsuka
- SageLord
- Sasha
- Self Destructo
- Siiyah
- sine.wav
- Sithy
- Smoothice
- Slyfoxx
- Starlight
- Soapy
- SoBeiT
- Superkikim
- Thump
- Tobe
- vogue
- W4rl0rd
- wap
- Word
- Wrtlprnft
- X3r
- Xevic
- Your mom
- Z-man
- Zero
- Zion
- Zurd
- ØniTrøn